Leisure section

Leisure section - 05.01.2005, Side 1

Leisure section - 05.01.2005, Side 1
 iHHmSp BRBBBflBBBBHBHBBBB Mission First... Sailors Always .ibsassffssisssi HiilSi VOLUME 6 ISSUE 1 _______________________________________JANUARY 5, 2005 MWR Door Decorating Contest Winners THURSDAY JANUARY 6 Deep Cleaning Gym Opens • Gym 8g Fat Greek Wedding, PG ■ Ch.20 Home Cookin Buffet - TFC ......Italian Buffet-TFC er Field Bonfire/Fireworks • Windbreakei ...........Karaoke - Top of the Rock FRIDAY JANUARY 7 Over the Cukoo's Nest, R - Ch.20 Ysa Orly Buffet-TFC jundy Buffet-TFC iderland Sightseeing - Windbreakei Art Contest-Teen Center SATURDAY JANUARY 8 iolden Circle Tour - Tour Office Breakfast Buffet - TFC ..............Pilates - Gym at Blue Mountain - Tour Office at Kilfurhus-Windbreakei Oriental Buffet-TFC rom and movie night - Teen Centei SUNDAY JANUARY 9 ... Breakfast Buffet - TFC at Blue Mountain - Tour Office Bowing Tournament - Windbreakei ........Open Volleyball - Gym MONDAY JANUARY 10 40 Days 40 Nights, R - Ch. 20 the Stress Seminar - Windbreakei TUESDAY JANUARY 11 fc/arnjL --W...........AM Step Aerobics - Gym 9am&8pjn. .. .Catch Me if You Can, PG13 - Ch. 20 11 am-1 pfn.........BBQ Ribs Lunch Buffet - TFC 6:45-7:45pn.....................Pilates-Gym 7pm... 3&.......Chess Tournament - Windbreaker Please direct all correspondence to: Leisure Section: Box 43 • Phone #7536 email:mwr.daw@mwr.is Name is required on all correspondence. Authelet Family 3rd Place Individual 3i|f» tmfrnM 1st Place Command NCTS 3rd Place Command 56th RQS 2nd Place Command Namer Family 2nd Place Individual Mission First.. Sailors Kozel Family 1st Place Individual


Leisure section

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