

Læknablaðið - 01.04.1971, Síða 64

Læknablaðið - 01.04.1971, Síða 64
64 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ verið teknir úr hrygg þeirra, og þau tvö tilí'elli, sem hér er lýst. Er allur hópurinn aðeins 13 manns, cnda árangur aðgerðanna ckki uppörvandi. Ef til vill væri betur hægt að halda liryggj- unum í skorðum með aðferð Harringtons,23 sem hann sagði frá 1962. En líklegust til árangurs sýnist mér aðferð Hodgson, sem hann liefur raunar notað við berkla í hrygg i allmörg ár, að nema burtu liðbolinn, en fella rifjabúta í geilina. Og vist má ekki örvænta um, að einhvern tíma verði unnt að hjálpa sjúkling- um al' þessu tagi, þó bögulega liafi tekizt til fram að þessu. SUMMARY A report of two cases of scoliosis caused by hemivertebrae treated by operation. The first case was an eleven year old girl with thoracic hemivertebra causing an acute angulation of the spine complicated by paraplegia. The hemivertebra was removed in 1957 and she recovered from the paralysis. Now thirteen years later the patient has no spinal cord involvement, the purvature, however, remains essentially unchanged. The second case was a six year old girl with two hemivertebrae, one in the thoracic region and the second at the dorso lumbar junction, both on the right side, causing a severe kypho-scoliosis. Both hemivertebrae were removed in 1958. Now, twelve years later, the curvature has in- creased and she has a severe deformity. HEIMILDIR 1) Smith, Alan DeForest, Lackum, William H. von and Wylie Robert: An Operation for Stapling Vertebral Bodies in Congenital Scoliosis. J. Bone & Joint Surg. 36A:342; 1954. 2) Wenger, Leslie H.: Transversectomy for Scoliosis. J. Bone & Joint Surg. 33A:253; 1951. 3) Wenger, Leslie H. and Hermann, Myron: The Role of the Transverse Process in Thoracogenic Scoliosis. Quart. Bull. Sea View Hosp. 7:45; 1941. 4) Cleveland, Mather: Lateral Curvature of the Spine Following Thoracoplasty in Children. J. Thoracic Surg. 6:595; 1937. 5) Kerr, John G.: Scoliosis with Paraplegia. J. Bone & Joint Surg. 45A:769; 1953. 6) McKenzie, K. G. and Dewar, F. P.: Scoliosis with Paraplegia. J. Bone & Joint Surg. 31B:162; 1949. 7) Kleinberg, Samuel and Kaplan, Abraham; Scoliosis Complicated by Paraplegia. J. Bone & Joint Surg. 34A:162; 1952. 8) Kleinberg, Samuel: Structural Scoliosis Complicated by Paralysis of the Lower Limbs. Report of a Case. J. Bone & Joint Surg. 5:104; 1923. 9) Kleinberg, Samuel: Scoliosis with Paraplegia. J. Bone & Joint Surg. 33A:225; 1951. 10) Ruhlin, Carl W. and Albert, Seymour: Scoliosis Complicated by Spinal Cord Involvement. J. Bone & Joint Surg. 23:877; 1941.
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