Búskapur hins opinbera 1995-1996 - 01.11.1997, Page 72

Búskapur hins opinbera 1995-1996 - 01.11.1997, Page 72
Tafla 3.4 Sundurliðun á tekjum ríkissjóðs og sveitarfélaga 1986-1996. Detailed account of central and local govemments current revenues 1986-1996. - Milljónir króna / Million krónur - Tekjur rikissjóds: 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Central governm. revenue Heildarskattar 40.273 52.652 71.854 85.052 98.829 110.801 111.488 109.868 114.594 120.985 134.386 Total tax revenue Óbcinir skattar 31.193 42.468 53.459 62.665 69.562 72.602 72.143 70.104 71.817 74.114 81.156 Indirect taxes Beinir skattar 9.080 10.184 18.395 22.387 29.267 38.199 39.345 39.764 42.777 46.871 53.230 Direct taxes Tekjuskattar 6.509 6.696 14.330 16.829 23.106 25.675 26.056 26.038 28.382 31.583 36.261 Income taxes - Einstaklingar 5.217 5.545 12.098 13.987 20.325 22.585 22.450 22.667 24.671 26.500 31.870 - Individuals - Félög 1.292 1.151 2.232 2.842 2.780 3.090 3.607 3.371 3.711 5.083 4.391 - Corporale Skattar af nettóeign 899 1.187 1.523 2.540 2.613 3.157 3.192 3.491 3.555 3.638 3.295 Recurrent taxes on net wealth - Einstaklingar 514 660 841 1.629 1.640 1.916 1.987 2.115 2.112 1.990 1.658 - Individuals - Félög 385 527 682 911 973 1.241 1.205 1.376 1.443 1.648 1.638 - Corporate Tryggingagjðld 1.665 2.271 2.526 2.998 3.548 9.367 10.096 10.235 10.840 11.650 13.674 Social security contributions Eignatekjur 3.247 3.764 4.427 6.593 6.699 8.151 8.446 8.217 9.273 9.183 8.821 Property income Vaxtatekjur 2.872 3.403 4.032 5.527 4.596 6.210 5.868 5.870 6.387 6.211 6.203 Interest income Aðrar eignatekjur 375 360 395 1.066 2.103 1.941 2.578 2.347 2.886 2.971 2.619 Other property income Aðrar tekjur 110 194 242 250 255 377 1.047 372 429 287 382 Other nontax revenue Heildartekjur 43.630 56.610 76.523 91.895 105.783 119.329 120.981 118.457 124.296 130.454 143.590 Total revenue Tekjur sveila/félaga: 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Ixtcal governm. revenue Hcildarskattar 9.842 12.845 17.873 21.576 23.289 26.294 27.337 26.725 27.100 29.427 31.744 Total tax revenue Óbeinir skattar 4.630 5.852 7.864 9.487 9.590 11.342 11.570 6.905 7.188 8.258 8.662 Indirect taxes Jöfnunarsjóður 1.136 1.240 1.506 1.697 520 582 621 622 Muncipal Equal. Fund - Sölugjald 770 820 1.175 1.275 - Sales lax - Aðflutningsgjald 140 168 - Import duties - Landsútsvar 225 252 331 422 520 582 621 622 - Tax on corporates Fasteignaskattar 1.350 1.717 2.450 3.087 3.724 4.260 4.363 4.700 5.467 5.673 5.727 Real estate tax Aðstöðugjald 1.649 2.078 2.887 3.440 4.145 4.515 5.099 Business operating exp. tax Aðrir óbeinir skattar 496 818 1.021 1.264 1.200 1.985 1.488 1.583 1.721 2.585 2.935 Other indirect taxes Beinir skattar 5.212 6.993 10.009 12.088 13.699 14.952 15.767 19.820 19.912 21.170 23.082 Direct taxes Útsvar 5.200 6.980 9.995 12.069 13.676 14.939 15.750 19.803 19.900 21.154 23.063 Muncipal income taxes Aðrir beinir skattar 13 13 14 19 24 13 17 17 12 15 19 Olher direct taxes Eignatekjur 842 1.308 1.707 2.003 1.954 2.269 2.402 2.254 2.205 2.800 2.704 Property income Frá opinberum fyrirtækjum 146 207 398 485 592 852 1.235 1.050 1.223 1.856 1.752 From public enterprises Vaxtatekjur 539 905 1.051 1.200 998 1.067 808 833 547 517 528 Interest income Arður og leiga 158 196 258 319 363 349 359 371 435 428 424 Other property income Aðrar tekjur 52 73 155 124 1.380 1.582 1.743 2.016 2.630 2.696 5.579 Othcr nontax revenue Heildartekjur 10.736 14.226 19.734 23.703 26.622 30.145 31.482 30.996 31.935 34.924 40.027 Total revenue 70
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Búskapur hins opinbera 1995-1996

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