Búskapur hins opinbera 1995-1996 - 01.11.1997, Síða 114

Búskapur hins opinbera 1995-1996 - 01.11.1997, Síða 114
Tafla 9.2 Útgjöld per nemenda í fræðslustofnunum eftir skólastigum 1993 Expenditure per student in public and private institutions by level of education 1993 Fjárhæðir í US dollerum og m.v. PPP US dollars converted using PPP's Gagn- og Öll skólastig ffamhalds- samtals skólar All levelsof Leikskólar Bamaskólar Secondary Æðra skólastig education Early childhood Primary schools schools Tertiary schools combined ísland 2.872 2.645 3.258 5.059 3.932 Iceland Danmörk 4.584 4.745 6.175 8.045 5.902 Denmark Finnland2) 5.891 4.095 4.769 7.295 5.167 Finland Noregur 11 6.451 m m 8.343 6.010 Norway Svíþjóð 2.942 4.917 5.651 12.693 5.702 Sweden Norðuriönd 4.548 3.280 3.971 8.287 5.343 Nordic countries Ástralía m 2.985 4.871 9.036 4.628 Australia Austurríki11 4.712 4.291 6.721 8.642 6.565 Austria Bandaríkin 3.551 5.492 6.541 14.607 7.341 United States Belgía2) 2.152 2.953 5.373 6.380 4.616 Belgium Brctland 2) 3.508 3.295 4.494 8.241 4.339 United Kingdom Frakkland 2.678 3.154 5.685 6.033 4.548 France Grikkland m m 1.578 2.502 1.616 Greece Holland 2.635 2.793 3.979 8.665 4.048 Netherlands írland 1.866 1.882 3.031 7.076 2.881 Ireland Ítalía 11 3.299 4.107 5.235 5.169 5.021 Italy Japan 2.294 3.960 4.356 7.556 4.727 Japan Kanada 5.270 m m 11.132 6.466 Canada Nýja Sjáland 2.180 2.659 3.951 7.337 3.681 New-Zealand Portúgal 11 1.794 2.581 2.491 5.667 3.131 Portugal Spánn 2.210 2.293 3.033 3.835 2.916 Spain Sviss 11 2.335 5.835 7.024 15.731 7.011 Switzerland Tyrkland 871 832 587 2.696 897 Turkey Þýskaland 11 3.611 2.815 6.481 7.902 5.450 Germany OECD-ríki 2.706 3.315 4.730 9.665 4.762 OECD-countries 1) Hér er einungis fræðslustofnanir hins opinbera / Only public institutions. 2) Hér eru opinberar fræðslustofnanir og einkastofnanir fjármagnaðar af hinu opinbera / Only public and govemment-dependant institutions. m: merkir upplýsingar vantar / missing data Heimild: OECD. 112
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Búskapur hins opinbera 1995-1996

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