The White Falcon

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The White Falcon - 29.05.1970, Qupperneq 2

The White Falcon - 29.05.1970, Qupperneq 2
Page 2 THE WHITE FALCON May 29, 1970 Honor grads to speak at commencement Speed reading to b Every year in high schools all over the U.S., two members of the senior class are chosen for the honors of valedictorian and salutator- ian. The valedictorian is the person the salutatorian second. Harry W. Longbottom and Mar- garet E. Jones are the two stu- dents who earned the honors for the 1970 graduating class at the A.T. Mahan school. Harry was selected for an ROTC scholarship earlier this year, and he plans to attend Kansas State University this fall. He will be a pre-law student and would like to pursue a career in criminal law. Aside from being first in the senior class, Harry was inducted Navy comic-cartoon contest entries due by July 1 The annual all-Navy comic car- toon contest is now underway and is open to all Navy personnel and their dependents. The entries must be comic (gag or situation) cartoons, with a Navy theme or background. They must be in good taste and suita- ble for gereral use. Entries must arrive at BuPers before July 1. Winners will receive all-Navy championship awards and the win- ning cartoons will be published in All Hands magazine. A contestant may enter as many cartoons as he desires, but each one must contain the following information securely attached di- rectly to the back of the entry: (1) full name of originator (2) rate/grade (3) service number (4) duty station (5) name of hometown newspaper(s) (6) command recrea- tion fund administrator (7) a brief statement certifying the cartoon as original (8) "All, claims to the attached entry are waived and I understand the De- partment of the Navy may use as desired." A signature is required after this statement. (9) "For- warded." The above must be sign- ed by the commanding officer or his designated representative. Dependents should supply the appropriate data, plus the follo- wing statement: "I am dependent of name/rate/grade/etc." Forward all entries submitted to the Chief of Naval Personnel (Pers-Gll) by July 1. All entri- es will become property of the Navy Department. who stands first in the class and into the National Honor Society two weeks ago. Margaret, called Peggy by most of her friends, has applied to VALEDICTORIAN SALUTATORIAN Albion College in Albion, Mich., and Schiller College in Germany. She plans to major in either his- tory or languages. Margaret ranks first among the girls and second in her class. Her extra-curricular activities include volleyball and fencing. She placed first in the naval station fencing tournament last February. The White Falcon U. S. NAVAL STATION KEFLAVIK, ICELAND CAPT Lloyd H. Thomas Commanding Officer CDR John M. Rusch Public Affairs Officer JOCS Warren I. Louder Information Chief STAFF JOl Bill Wedertz............Editor QM3 Richard Carr.......Asst.Editor Sgt. Mike Sawyer....USAF Reporter SN Kevin Sforza.............Sports AN Robin L. Wagner........Reporter PH2 Monty L. Tipton...Photographer The White Falcon is published weekly on Friday in accordance with NAVEXOS P-35, revised July 1958, for free distribution to personnel of the Naval Station, Keflavik. It is printed at the Na- val Station Printing Plant, Kefla- vik, Iceland, from non-appropriat- ed funds. offered to personnel The naval station education and training office and the Kef- lavik center of the University of Maryland plan to conduct speed reading classes for military and civilian defense force personnel. The objective of the course will be to improve an individual's reading ability by stressing speed and comprehension. Neither high school nor college credits will be given for completing the course, which will include a study of basic reading skills and in-class practice with little or no homework. Classes will be limited to 25 students each, and those wishing to enroll must register in per- son at the U-of-M office in Bldg. 752. A student may confirm his enrollment, which will be on a first-come-first-serve basis, by paying the course fee of $40-$45, which includes cost of books and material. Because the course will not qualify for USAFI high schooled college credits, students may take advantage of tuition plans or the GI Bill to supple- ment their expenses. Two classes are scheduled for each of the eight week sessions, which are expected to coincide with the University of Maryland's college terms. The first class will meet be- tween 6:30 and 8:30 Monday and Wednesday evenings at the A. T. Mahan School, and the second class will meet at the same times on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Jane Peel, who has taught many speed reading classes in the past, will be the course instructor. For additional information, please call Ext. 6226. NCO Wives to meet The monthly business meeting of the NCO Wives Club will be held at 7:30 p.m. this Tuesday, June 2 at the 56 Club party room. New members welcomed during May are Kathy Gardner, Joan Gar- ret, Marty Gains, Aquilla Twitty, Norma Lomas, Ellen Smith and Linda Mann. All wives of E-2's throl E-6's are cordially invited’ attend all NCO Wives Club funct- ions. For further information, please call Exts. 5268 or 8749.


The White Falcon

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