The White Falcon


The White Falcon - 19.11.1971, Side 6

The White Falcon - 19.11.1971, Side 6
New fire truck arrives to aid Rockville firemen Story & Photos by JOSN I.ance O’Neal A new fire truck is ready for action at Rockville. The arrival of the new unit was followed by a training session for the site's 24-man volunteer fire department. The truck, a pumper, replaces an older tank truck. The pumper can take water from one of Rock- ville's fire hydrants or from its own 600 gallon tank. The unit can pump 500 gallons a minute. It was used briefly by the main base before being turned over, to Rockville. Small fires can be controlled by the new truck until units can arrive from the main base. Asst. Chief Haraldur Stefan- sson said that the truck is "much lighter, more maneuverable, and more able to go through rough terrain." The volunteers were instructed on-the use of ladders, pump equipment, hoses, breathing gear, and other tools. The breathing gear is used to rescue victims from burning buildings. On hand for the training were Asst. Chief Stefansson and Ragnar Ragnarsson, a fire department pump operator. The volunteers are divided into three 8-man teams. They are trained by the site fire chief and by the main base fire depart- ment. The teams train four hours each month. Stefansson explained that the Navy is responsible for the fire protection of all the military installations in Iceland. He also stressed that the protecti of the equipment and men at Ro> ville is an important mission. The recent training session is' "just a start" according to Stef- ansson. He said that the train- ing will continue until "everyone of the fellas knows how to use the equipment effectively." "They are already getting the hang of it," he added with a smile. He 6 November 19, 1971


The White Falcon

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