The White Falcon


The White Falcon - 02.06.1972, Síða 3

The White Falcon - 02.06.1972, Síða 3
College level exams available through USAFI The College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) is available to active duty personnel through the United States Armed Forces Insti- tute (USAFI). The exams are designed as a national system of placement and credit at colleges and universi- ties for people who have acquired their education in non-tradition- al ways. * Local Arrangements Locally, PNSN Tom Parrish han- dles the testing arrangements. He is located in the Education and Training office in the NavSta Administration Building (752). The telephone number is 2128. The testing is done at the convenience of the individual and the test control monitor, and a person interested in taking the test can make an appointment with Parrish. Test forms are available at local office, so there is rry little delay in taking the exams. The only test sheets not available are those for re-exam- inations; they are obtained from USAFI in Madison, Wis. There is no fee for taking the exams, and anyone passing them can receive credit for a variety of college courses. Test Composition Examinations consist of two categories - general and subject. The general exams measure a- chievement in the five basic areas of liberal arts: English composition, social sciences-his- tory, natural sciences, humani- ties and mathematics. The col- lege-level subject exams are ba- sically end-of-course tests for a wide range of undergraduate cour- ses. They measure understanding and application of facts and con- cepts taught in the courses. Defense Department civilian employees, their dependents and military dependents are also eli- gible to take the tests. But the pcedure varies from that for itary personnel. THE STAFF - Members of the staff of the award-winning A. T. Mahan yearbook look over the fruits of their labors. Seated (1 to r): Sally Goetz, Cheryl Tombarge, Mary Kline, Linda Kelly, Jon Armbrust and Dawn Schuman. Standing (1 to r): Cindy Hudson and Terri Vir- den. (Photo by Dave Bean) High School yearbook award winner The 1972 Aurora Borealis," Mahan High School's yearbook, has been awarded second place in their division in the Columbia University Scholastic Press Association Yearbook Critique and Contest. Over 1200 high school annuals were entered in the competition and were judged for layout, content, design and special considera- tions . The award cited the Borealis1 photography for special merit. Jon Armbrust, the annual's chief photographer, is primarily re- sponsible for the book's pic- tures . The Columbia University con- test rated the local yearbook's cover as "excellent; the ad- vertising section received a "good;" and the last section of the annual rated a "fantastic and superb." The judges called the Aurora Borealis "factual, memor- able and honest—which today's students expect." Credit for the second place rating goes to Linda Kelly, ed- itor and photographer Armbrust and staff members Sally Goetz, Cheryl Tombarge, Terri Virden and Mary Kline, activities and lay- out; Dawn Schuman and Cindy Hud- son, artwork. Ten confirmed in Lutheran faith Ten children were confirmed Sunday during the Lutheran ser- vice at the station chapel. The children were confirmed following completion of one and two-year courses in Christian Doctrine. The confirmation ceremony sym- bolizes the entrance of the con- firmands into membership in the Evangelical Lutheran Church. The children, 12 and 13 years old, confirmed Sunday were: Karl Betz, Theresa Betz, Edward Buc- holz, William Bucholz, Cindy Heinz, William Melendy, David Saeger, Chris Schultz, Will Sher- man and Li Wilson. Chaplain Alfred R. Saeger, Jr., presided at the service. 3


The White Falcon

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