The White Falcon


The White Falcon - 02.06.1972, Síða 4

The White Falcon - 02.06.1972, Síða 4
Now that you are getting out around the island, it might be wise to have a small pocket English-Icelandic, Icelandic-English Diction- ary. We use a little black one, Most any book store will have it. pretty good supply because this book is also used in the Iceland- ic language courses on the base. It won't have all the words, but it will help. *************************** Did you know there is a beau- tiful lake on this peninsula? It's a good picnic spot. Go out the main gate and go towards Rey- kjavik. Turn right off the main Reykjavik road when you come to the aquarium sign. This is the road to Krysuvik. Travel down the road, through the mountains until you come to a big lake cal- led Kleifarvatn. On the way, you will pass fish drying racks which right now are being filled with cod. They are beheaded, gutted and two are tied together by the tail to hang. Many of these are exported to Russia, Italy and Af- rica. The lake is a good place to camp, picnic and fish. A fishing license can be purchased at the taxi stand in Hafnarfjordur. There are many sheltered areas where you can picnic or pitch a tent for an overnight stay. It is a great place for exploring, too. Further down the road you will find a thermal area on the right. This has a parking lot and paths to follow as you walk around the area. This mud pot emits sulphur vapors, and one can find crystals of sulphur throughout the area. It is a very interesting place as it is very different from the thermal area near the Reykjanes Lighthouse. "Vasaordabok," by Arnold R. Taylor. The book store in Keflavik keeps a dating back to 1857. Just beyond the church, there is a fork in the road, bear right and head to- ward Grindavik on a secondary road that is sometimes very rud- dy. It's a picturesque drive along the shore. Make sure you have a camera, as there are many beauti- ful sights along the way. *************************** For those of you who like to try the local produce, we have noticed that the cucumbers can be found in the markets now. They look similar to our zucchini squash and not our cucumbers. You will find them packaged in a long, plastic bag, with a par- tially cut cucumber pictured on it. The aquirkir (cucumber) is very crisp and delicious, well worth your kronur to try one. They are practically seedless, too. The tomatoes will be ripe soon, so watch for them. FIRST FLORIDIAN to sign the state guest log at the new USO is Vice Admiral Frederick Mich- aelis, Commander Naval Air Force, U. S. Atlantic Fleet. Mary Helen Madden assists the visiting flag officer in one of the traditions of USOs. The "state books" help serviceme, of the different states me other native sons. Admira Michaelis was in Keflavik on an orientation visit, his first since assuming his present du- ties on March 1. # It looked to us like a pony corral was being erected. In this area there is a large pony farm. Maybe when you go, you can give the children a pony ride. Don1t return to the Agreed Area yet, but travel on to Krysu- vik. It is not a town but an area of historical importance be- cause of a little wooden church Open House Recipe of the week BUNUELOS 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking powder 2 tblspoons sugar 4 cups flour 2 eggs 1 cup milk 1/4 cup butter, melted oil for frying sugar/cinnamon or sugar/ clove mixture Directions: Sift all dry ingredients together, set a- side. Beat eggs thoroughly; then beat in the milk. Stir the dry ingredients gradually into the milk-egg mixture and add the butter. Turn onto a lightly floured board and knead gently until the dough is smooth. Divide into about 24 large balls and press out to approx- imately 6". Fry in very hot deep fat or oil until deli- cately brown on both sides. Drain on paper towels and then sprinkle with sugar mixture. Serve as a cookie; or make sauce by combining 2 cups brown sugar, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, dash of clove in a saucepan, bring to a boil; then simmer until mixture has cooked to a light syrup. Pour syrup over, serve hot or cold as a dessert. June 2, 1972


The White Falcon

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