The White Falcon


The White Falcon - 02.06.1972, Side 5

The White Falcon - 02.06.1972, Side 5
to •I Summer hours will begin at the Youth Center tomorrow, opening daily at noon (the center will be closed on Sun- day) . Also on the third, the Teen Club will host a carni-' val at the Youth Center. There will be a fortune tel- ler, a fish pond, games, food and drinks, and lots of fun. Swimming trips to Reykjavik are planned for Tuesday and Sat- urday. The 35-cent charge in- cludes pool fees and transporta- tion. A bus tour to Whale Bay is scheduled for Saturday. The whaling station there is one of the few still remaining in the world. Included in the $5.50 price is transportation, guide, and a box lunch. Fishing trips to Whale Bay ill also begin Saturday. Trans- ortation and fishing tickets are 7.25 for one day, or $12.50 for two days. The first trip to Akureyri and Lake Myvatn is plan- ned for June 16-18. This trip will provide a excellent way to see Iceland's north country. *************************** The new library is slowly com- ing into being. Our thanks to Dental, Marine Barracks and Comm- Sta for removing the old ceiling and cleaning the place up. Recent additions to the library include "Those Damned Rebels," a recreation o f the American Revolution—from the British point of view. Michael Pearson offers this new inter- pretation to the revolutionary events from the Boston Tea Party to the day in 1785 when our first ambassador presented his cre- dentials to George III. "The Life of Benjamin Ban- neker," by Silvio A. Badini, is a new book that is important in three fields—history of science, black studies and American his- tory. Banneker, a free Negro tobacco planter, taught himself athematics and astronomy late in ife. His calculations were used 'n almanacs; he also helped sur- vey the District of Columbia. WHITE FALCON WITH A SNIP-SNIP HERE - Rear Admiral John K. Beling does the rib- bon-cutting honors officially opening the NATO base USO with the assistance of USO Director Mary Helen Madden and Naval Station commanding officer. Captain Jack McDonald. The new facility, in building 758, is fully operational and welcomes defense force per- sonnel to take advantage of what it has to offer. COLOR AND FRAGRANCE - An Exhibition of Flower Decoration and Gar- dening will be held this weekend, June 3-4, in the greenhouse by Sigtun in Reykjavik. The exhibition is designed and directed by Jess Barrit. the Danish Champion in Flower Decoration, and Holger Christiansen, the European Champion. Both experts will be at the exhibition and will advise guests on the art of flower arrangement and gardening. The exhibition will be open to the public from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Admittance charge will be $1.15. 5


The White Falcon

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