The White Falcon


The White Falcon - 02.06.1972, Síða 9

The White Falcon - 02.06.1972, Síða 9
/y/Wi. BEST BALL CHAMPS in Monday1s round of the Memorial Day golf tourney at Shangri La were (left to right) Dave Brake, Dick Plante and A1 Tritt. The threesome carded a 65 in the team competition. McNeill Fla. bound..... Supplier cops Memorial tourney Pe- Golf highlighted the local Memorial Day weekend sports scene. Jim McNeill raced to a six-over-par, 36-hole total of 136 in the Special Services sponsored tourney held for the benefit of the Naval Aviation Museum at Pensacola, Fla. McNeill finished the first leg of the tournament on Sunday at 67, one stroke behind first-round leader, Ray Richard. But on Mon- day, McNeill managed to hold his score to a 69 while tourney-run- ner-up Richard skied to a 72. Dick Plante came in third carding a 75 the first day and the only par round of the tournament, a 65, on Monday. Sam Hamilton edged Dave Brake for fourth; Hamilton finished with a 143 while Brake managed a 144. McNeill's victory in the in- dividual portion of the tourna- ment will earn him a trip to a regional golf tournament at Pen- sacola as the representative of the NATO base. In team play, the combination of Ray Richard, Sam Hamilton and Pete Cook captured squad honors e first day while the tandem of ,ve Brake, A1 Tritt and Dick ante finished first on Monday. HITE FALCON RAY MCNEILL Five teams go unbeaten in hoop openers Intermural basketball jumped- off to a start May 22 with action occurring in all four leagues. In the "A" League, the Is- landers picked up a couple of wins, beating NSGA, 65 to 61, and stopping Supply, 61 to 52. Sup- ply evened their record, however, mauling Valor, 54 to 44, as did NSGA, who took the measure of VP- 24, 79 to 52. The "Batmen" of 24 took their revenge on IR, 48 to 35 and IR turned around and beat the league's only winless team, Valor, 60 to 57. In the eight-team "B" loop, only one club emerged from the first week of play unscathed-- AFI. The "Flyboys" registered their trio of victories against CommSta II, 48 to 44, AMD, 43 to 26, and Admin, 62 to 32. Three teams came away with un- blemished records after a week of action in the 14-member "C" cir- cuit. Comptroller drubbed the Seabees, 37 to 22, and shot down AirOps, 33 to 24. NSGA II crushed Grindavik, 37 to 14, and foiled AirOps, 37 to 28. And the Saints copped a couple of coups upending the Marines, 43 to 41, and clouting NavFac, 46 to 32. The noon Recreation League is a six-team affair and the Na- val Security Group put together a 4-and-0 week by beating the Hos- pital, Recreation, CommSta I and CommSta II. Admin rolls on sweep No. four in IM golf Admin streaked to its fourth clean sweep in intermural golf blanking Food Service, 6 to 0. The win lifted Admin I's season record to 24-and-0 and increased their lead over number-two Spe- cial Services to six points. Elsewhere on the links, the 57th FIS surprised Special Ser- vices with a 3-3 stand - off. CommSta picked up a 4 to 2 win o- ver AMD. Admin II rocked Rock- ville, 6 to 0. And the results of the match between AFI and NSGA are not yet complete. 9


The White Falcon

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