The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 09.04.1976, Qupperneq 1

The White Falcon - 09.04.1976, Qupperneq 1
Medical emergency SAILOR OF THE YEAR, AMS1 James E. Moore, AIMD, receives a letter of commendation i:rom Captain John R. Farrell, Naval Station commanding officer/COMNAVICE, at last week's personnel inspection. Petty Officer Moore, an active member in the NATO chapel, community affairs and scouting activities, was selected as both COMNAVICE and NAVSTA Sailor of the Year. A photo feature on Moore's selection as Sailor of the Year follows on page 3. (Photo by PHAA Jeff Weems) Loftleidir’s fast action credited An Air Force dependent wife from the NATO base underwent emergency surgery in the United States, Tuesday, thanks to the personal assistance of Loftleidir Airlines ticket manager Mr. Kolbeinn Johannesson. The patient, Mrs. Joyce Bergstrom, wife of Captain Leigh W. Bergstrom of the 57th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, had damage to the retina of one eye. After examination by doctors at the sta- tion dispensary and in a Reykjavik hos- pital, it was decided to send her to Andrews Air Force Base, outside Washing- ton, D. C., where the operation was per- formed. Monday evening’s Loftleidir flight to New York was fully booked. Mr. Johan- nesson, after being informed of the necessity of obtaining one seat, indi- cated the aircraft was scheduled to de- part in 40 minutes, but personally took the situation in hand. He explained to waiting passengers the importance of a nonbooked passenger being on that flight, and asked if any transit person scheduled for that flight would make his seat available. He was successful in his efforts. In addition to the cooperation by Mr. Johannesson, Loftleidir Airlines went one step further to help the situation. Monday evening, they provided lodging and food accommodations in Reykjavik (including roundtrip transportation and tour of the city), for the person who gave up his seat on the flight. Medical officers at the station dis- pensary said it was very important for Mrs. Bergstrom to receive the operation as soon as possible, and gave high praise to Loftleidir personnel. White Falcon Volume XXXII Number 14 Ketlav*. Iceland April 9, 1976 Variety Show termed a success Politics: Navy men and women are expected and encouraged to participate in national, state and local elections. However, active duty members are prohibited from running for and from holding civil of- fice and from engaging in partisan political activities. Since this is a presidential election year, now is a good time to review what you as a Navy man or woman can and cannot do regarding political activities. A member on active duty can: * Register, vote and express a per- sonal opinion on political candidates and issues, but not as a representative of the armed forces; * Make monetary contributions to a political organization; * Attend partisan as well as non- partisan political meetings or rallies as a spectator when not in uniform; * Promote and encourage other mili- tary members to exercise their right to vote provided there is no attempt to influence or interfere with the outcome of an election; * Join a political club and attend meetings when not in uniform; * Work in a local part-time non- partisan civil office, appointive or elective, provided the requirements of the position do not interfere with mili- tary duties and the member receives the prior approval of the Secretary of the Navy or his designee; * Serve as an elected official if such service is not as a representative of a partisan political activity, does not .interfere with military duties, is performed while out of uniform and has the prior approval of the Secretary of the Navy. * Sign a petition for specific leg- islative action or to place a candi- date's name on an official election bal- Recent manpower level studies have disclosed that the 10 day option, " which allows certain officer and enlisted per- sonnel 10 days to choose between leaving the service or complying with transfer orders, has contributed to an imbalance in sea/shore rotation and manning. Since its creation in 1970 when there was overmanning in senior pay grades, the option has served as a management tool to bring those numbers in line with allocated end strength. The need no longer exists. As a result, the Bureau of Naval Fer- W hat you can and cannot do lot if such action does not obligaLe the member to take part in partisan politi- cal activity and the action is taken as a private citizen; * Write a letter to a newspaper ex- pressing a personal view on public is- sues, if such views do not attempt to promote a partisan political cause; * Write a personal letter, not for publication, expressing preference for a specific political candidate or cause provided the action is not part of an organized letter-writing campaign in behalf of a partisan political cause or candidate; and * Make monetary contributions to a political party or committee favoring a particular candidate or slate of candi- dates subject to the limitations of sections 607 and 608 of Title 18, United States Code. A member on active duty can NOT: * Use official authority or influ- ence for the purpose of interfering with an election, affecting the course or outcome of an election, soliciting votes for a particular candidate or is- sue, or requiring or soliciting politi- cal contributions from others; * Take part in partisan political management of campaigns, or make public speeches in the course of such cam- paigns; or * Make campaign contributions to another member of the armed forces or to a civilian officer or employee of the United States for the purpose of pro- moting a political objective or cause. If you desire to engage in some po- litical activity not covered by these guidelines, contact your legal officer first to avoid possible legal diffi- culty . sonnel (BUPERS) is cancelling the 10 day option to stabilize control of the per- sonnel distribution system and to cor- rect the sea/shore rotation imbalance. Officers and enlisted personnel re- ceiving permanent change of station or- ders with an issue date after April 30 will no longer have the option of retir- ing or transferring to the Fleet Reserve instead of accepting orders. In addition to improving the sea/ shore rotation imbalance, elimination of the option will allow more accurate dis- tribution planning within BUPERS. It by J02 Art Frith The 1976 Bicentennial Variety Show premiered Tuesday night before a capac- ity audience in Andrews Theater. Sponsored by A. T. Mahan High School, the show was composed of 25 different acts from the NATO Base community. Leo Munro was master of ceremonies for the evening's entertainment. A grand parade by 30 kindergarten students, dressed in colorful bicenten- nial costumes, formed the first act. The young colonials marched onto the stage and sang "This Land is Your Land." There were numerous duets throughout also will aid commands by reducing bil- let gapping caused by the delay in get- ting new orders written for someone to replace the individual who has exercised the 10 day option. Additionally, since the 10 day limit may have pressured some individuals into a hasty career decision, cancellation of the option will allow personnel more time to decide exactly when they would like to retire or transfer to the Fleet Reserve. Normal procedures can then be observed, resulting in a smoother tran- sition for both the individual and the Navy. the show. Those performing couples were: Max Deens and Tracy MacDonald; Jeff Bovee and Bernie Duquette; Jeff and Jody Knowles; Joe Derrick and Barbara Brown; the banjo / piano team-up of Bob Weekley and Jeff Bovee received such a round of applause that the two came back on stage for an encore performance. Solo performers included Jeff Knowles, Buff Weekley, Steven McCreary, Sindy Hooks, Dolores McCulloch, Larry Mc- Creary, Max Deens, and Kevin Carnie. Burke Adams recited Andy Griffith's im- pression of a country bumpkin's first look at football. Other acts included the Midnight Sun- downers Square Dance Club, the Youth Center baton twirlers and tap dancers, the gymnastics group called "The Tum- bling Terrifies" and "The Hokey Pokey Comedy Crowd." The evening wasn't without its ser- ious side. The play, "Wolf for the Red, White and Blue," was performed by Terri Parham, Vicki Waites, Brandy Nichols and Lisa Myers. Various faculty members from the lower and upper schools, "The Ensemble De La Du Luxe," presented a satire on classical music playing ka- zoos. Additional music was provided by the high school band, under the direc- tion of James Rush. The variety show was produced and directed by Joe Derrick and Barbara Brown ... Elizabeth Nixon was the Bicen- tennial coordinator for the show. BUPERS to cancel the ten day option soon for officers and enlisted


The White Falcon

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