The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 08.12.1978, Síða 1

The White Falcon - 08.12.1978, Síða 1
Volume 34, Number 49 Keflavik, Iceland December 8, 1978 Don’t forget the true meaning Advent points to an event Every Christian experience and attitude has its focus in the life of the family. Any sacred obser- vance in the public sanctuary has a direct relationship to life in the family circle. For this reason many Christian families set aside a period each day during Advent for a special order of worship in the home. Some find the moments after breakfast most convenient. Others by Chaplain C. Richard Duncan prefer a period after dinner or at bedtime. In either case, they sit around the table after the-meal or in some other part of the home which is suitable for family wor- ship. Here the Advent Wreath and can- dles are placed and the Bible open- ed. While one family member reads an Advent prophecy, another member lights the Advent candles or can- dles. The following prophecies are frequently used in this connection: Zechariah 9:9-10, Isaiah 40: 3-5, Malachi 3:1-2 and Jeremiah 33:14-16. Prayers may be offered following meditation. The Lord's Prayer and the reading or singing of an Advent Hymn end the family observance. The word "Advent" means "Com- ing" and has reference to the com- ing of the Lord Jesus Christ in His varied manifestations: His coming in the flesh and in weakness at the Incarnation, His coming in power to the believer in this day, and His final coming in glory and majesty for judgment. Advent costs something! This is not meant to be facetious. All preparation requires discipline. Few will escape the drudgery of ty- ing bundles and stamping cards, but many overlook the discipline of that spiritual preparation which Advent demands. Without it, Christmas is meaningless. To make Advent a higher exper- ience than ever before, capture the meaning of C.H. Dodd's "The Word is uttered in a man, who living a- mong men, shows forth the splendor of the divine nature in terms of personal character and social ac- tion, and so finds us where we jive." Advent points to an event - "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us." It deals not with a folklore, but a fact of history. This fact is not restricted to the locale of a village inn, but bursts the narrow frames of tribal story and embraces all history and moves it with revolutionary strength. Advent, therefore, looks ahead to Christmas with the steady assur- ance that this event can occur when- ever the spirit of Christ lays hold upon human character and makes a new creation. See 'Wreathing pg. 3 SANTA TAKES TWO ORDERS from base children during his visit to the Navy Exchange Saturday. Following his arrival in the "Jolly Green Giant" helicopter, Santa chatted and gave candy to the NATO base tots before making his final visit Dec. 24. (U.S. Navy Photo by JOSN Bonnie van Zuuk)


The White Falcon

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