The White Falcon


The White Falcon - 18.07.1980, Blaðsíða 3

The White Falcon - 18.07.1980, Blaðsíða 3
July 18, 1980 The White Falcon Page 3 Architect helps to plan park It is the hope of the planning committee that as much as possible of the park may be completed this fall before the first frost. At its last meeting, Ann Beckham agreed to be the chairperson of the Park Planning Committee. Others who agreed to be sub-committee chairper- sons are Pat Hilton, in,charge of planting; Shirley Fiaro, planting chairperson for the NATO base youth; and YN1 John Smith, publicity chair- person. Ann and Pat are new-comers to the NATO base, having arrived less than two weeks ago. Still needed is a chairperson for maintenance of the park. Ann Beck- ham would also like a co-chairperson for the over-all leadership of the committee. This job will involve fund raising. All base residents are able to participate in this project on any level. It is not too late to join the planning committee. For more information call 7360 or 7261. The park will be behind the Mini- Mart. Watch for action over there, and come to help with the rock plac- ing. It is our hope that we will have a very lovely area to look at this fall, finished with decorative rock and grassy areas. The more people who help, the more area will be finished. Please support your park and enjoy this special activi- 2L_____ conscious Co Draft registration begins July 21 The President, on July 2, 1980, signed the proclamation for the registration with the selective service system of all U. S. citi- zen and U. S. legal resident alien males born after certain dates. The U. S. Embassy is responsible for carrying out the order. The registration dates for males born in 1961 and 1962 are as follows: Males born during 1960 will register during the week of July 21 - 27, 1980. Males born during 1961 will register during the week of July 28 - August 3, 1980. A later announcement will be made for males born in 1963 and thereafter. U. S. citizens who are depen- dents of NATO Base personnel may register at the base Provost Mar- shal's office, Bldg. T-170. All other U. S. citizens residing in Iceland may register with the U.S. Embassy in Reykjavik. Since only U. S. citizens may register overseas, those men who are U. S. legal resident alien males who live outside the U. S. during the time set for registra tion must accomplish their regis- tration in the U. S. within 30 days of return to the U. S. Failure to register may result in a $10,000 fine and/or five years in prison. n’t from page 1 Five members of the Park Planning Committee met yesterday with the Icelandic landscape-architect hired by the public works department to advise us and help us design our park. Committee members shared their ideas and plans with him. Aside from creating a beautiful park, wind protection and proper drainage must be advantageously worked into the over-all design. In order to gain maximum wind protection, it was decided to uti- lize piles of rock and soil in com- bination with low areas formed by digging with earth moving equipment. Trial holes will be dug next week to see how deep it will be possible for the park to be. Safety for children will be considered at all times. Once the landscape-architect fi- nalizes the plans for the park, sub- ject to approval by the public works officer, work will begin on the act- ual forming of the park. After the heavy equipment work is done, all work on the park will be in the hands of volunteers from our NATO base community. The Planning Committee is presently working on plans for a Rock-Placing Ceremony which will officially open the work on the park to all residents. Eve- ryone will be invited to place a rock to begin the terracing system throughout the park. __________ Become safety boy into and up the side of a set of quarters. Use of parachutes on the base for play is forbidden and any parachutes in custody of children will be confiscated by Security. Dempster dumpsters are necessary for good sanitation on the Base, but they do pose a hazard as discussed above or if children play in them. A child should never get inside a dumpster. They can cut themselves on broken glass and there is even the possibility of their being pick- ed up and crushed with trash when it is dumped into the receiving truck. A few years ago at the Armed Forces Staff College in Norfolk, two children were killed playing around a Dempster dumpster when they were struck by the wheels of the truck that came to empty it. The driver of the truck could not see them and thought nothing of rolling over what he considered an empty box. There are numerous hazards which develop when sidewalks and roads be- come coated with ice. We can put sand on sidewalks and encourage drivers of automobiles to proceed with caution, but there is little any of us can do if a child grabs onto the rear bumper of a moving ve- hicle for a slide ride and falls un- der a wheel, or dashes in front of a car that has limited braking action due to weather conditions. The solution here is to teach children the danger of ice and in- sist they practice safety. Winter is a time wrought with danger. Nor- mal problems incident to snowfall are compounded by winter sports. Sledding down hills, which place the sled in the path of vehicular traffic, is the most common hazard that comes to mind. Towing sleds behind automobiles is also danger- ous and is not permitted on the base. Playing in snow can be great fun, but in Iceland, children should not proceed from one place to another in a heavy snowfall unless accompanied by an adult and never in a white- out. Also, children should never play in snow banks along road sides. As you have already noticed, as we approach winter the hours of day- light will become significantly shorter. On the base, children and adults should have reflective tape on their overcoats or jackets so they can be seen easily by vehicle operators. A child should not play outside alone in the winter dark- ness; should something happen which causes him injury, a buddy could get help promptly. The foregoing is not a complete list of dangers and hazards children must be aware of, but it is a point from which parents can start their own "child-safety" program. I strongly suggest you take a position with your child on what he or she may or may not do and then insist they abide by the rules. Your firmness in this regard may be the difference between a happy, healthy child and one who :s crip- pled or killed because of a preven- table accident. Capt. Thomas J. Keene Commanding Officer Naval Station Keflavik


The White Falcon

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