The White Falcon


The White Falcon - 26.11.1980, Side 1

The White Falcon - 26.11.1980, Side 1
 Our leaders give thanks resident Carter Thanksgiving Day is more than a celebration. In President Carter's Thanksgiving Day proclamation, he said, "We have set aside one day a year to give thanks for all that we have. The greatest bounty of our nation is the bounty of our heri- tage—our diversity as immigrants and descendants of immigrants, our common identiity as Americans. "Yet Thanksgiving is more than Just a day of celebration, it is also a commemoration—of the day America's earliest inhabitants sat down to table with European colo- nists." The President, asked that all pause on Thanksgiving to offer thanks, and not forget our fore- bears who had the vision to join together in Thanksgiving, and who gave us so much of the vision of unity that belongs to the nation today. Admiral Train As we celebrate the first Thanks- giving of the 1980's let us each pause to reflect with pride on the heritage passed to us by our fore- fathers and look to the future with hope and confidence. This Thanksgiving we can be very grateful for the abundant bounties we share as a nation and for the many freedoms we enjoy as indi- viduals. The very presence of the Atlantic Fleet ensured the preser- vation of our freedom. Whether you are with family and friends or in the Mediterranean, Indian Ocean or at an isolated station, the citizens of the United States look to you to preserve peace so we may continue to enjoy our democratic way of life. I express my appreciation to you and your families for your commit- ment and continued dedication in the face of personal hardships. May all of you have a very happy Thanksgiving. Admiral Harry D. Train, II, U.S. rTMrr.AWTPT.T WHITE Keflavik, Iceland November 26, 1980 Volume 23, Number 47 FALCON ire Dept, acquires two new trucks The Naval Station Fire Department has acquired two new fire trucks. One is the A/S 32 P2, a crash fire- fighter truck which carries 2,300 gallons of water and 200 gallons of foam, and operates on diesel fuel. According to Deputy Fire Chief Haraldur Stefansson "it's the only one of its kind in the Navy and re- quires special training." The other fire truck, a 1000 gallon per minute firefighting truck, has a frame mounted 500 gal- lon water tank and a 60 gallon foam tank and it is used for combating structural fires. The Deputy Fire Chief reported that the two trucks significantly increase the Naval Station Fire Department's fire fighting capa- bility. Air Force Master Sergeant Robert Tyminski of the Fire Protection Training Branch, Air Training Com- mand, Chanute AFB, Illinois is training personnel of the fire sta- tion here in the utilization of the A/S 32 P2. k He said, "It's the second biggest truck in the Air Force, it weighs 66,800 pounds, and it's basic op- eration is simple once you're familiar with it." He teaches all the truck's systems and presently has two classes of six students each from the fire department which began October 30 and will be com- pleted Saturday. Sergeant Tyminski said he began his career as a fire fighter when he joined the Air Force 19 years ago and has traveled around the world as an instructor during the past seven years. Deputy Fire Chief Stefansson re- ported there is more than 100 people working for thr Naval Station Fire Department and 70 of them are directly involved in fire fighting or arresting on the runway. Others are concerned with snow removal, indus- trial safety, runway inspection, and fire prevention activity. He also said there are 20 men on duty 24 hours a day. The goal of the department the Deputy Fire Chief re- ported is to "provide the best pos- sible fire protection." Training session MSgt. Robert Tyminski explains engine safety valves on the Naval Station's new fire truck.


The White Falcon

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