Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.06.2014, Blaðsíða 50

Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.06.2014, Blaðsíða 50
A R T OPENINGS AND ONGOING Kunstschlager Lust Hour This exhibition features explicit material from a group of 12 celebrated visual artists, some known for their daring material, others not. The pieces range from secretive erotica to thought pro- voking philosophical statements. The exhibition is of an adult nature and is not suitable for children. Runs until June 7 Living Art Museum Time and Time and Again Hreinn Friðfinnsson's film `Time and Time and Again' is based on and inspired by his own life and artworks. It tells the story about two twins that were separated at birth. One was sent to the mountains of Iceland and the other one below sea level in Amster- dam. The different gravity and oxygen levels made them age differently. In fact, the twins are the same person. The story is a metaphor for the dia- lectic of life and the human condition. The exhibition also shows Hreinn's selection new and older work. Runs until June 5 Mengi Myndliðir Jóhannes Dagsson opens the exhibit 'Myndliðir' ("Fragmented Pictures") which features several oil paintings on canvas. Runs until June 8 Museum of Design and Applied Art Ertu tilbúin frú forseti? The exhibition, ‘Are you ready, Madam President,’ displays clothing and other accessories from the wardrobe of former Icelandic President Vigdís Finnbogadóttir. The exhibition gives visitors a glimpse into Vigdís's ward- robe preferences and style, and also the personal lives and habits of heads of state. Runs until October 5 Kosmos Dew is a growing group of Icelandic product designers who work with international manufacturers. Their varied designs reflects their powerful creative urge to find innovative uses for materials which often results in unexpected results. Dew's designs seek inspiration in landscapes and the history of traditional craftsmanship, fused together in new and exciting ways. Runs until June 8 This Is How I Do It Hjalti Karlsson, last year's recipient of the Nordic Torsten and Wanja Söderberg prize, is holding an exhibi- tion featuring work specially created for the occasion. Hjalti's work, from newspaper page to moving graph- ics, from educational exhibition form to the place-specific art installation, shows traces of both classic schooling and Icelandic narrative tradition. Runs until October 5 National Gallery Sigurjón Ólafsson Retrospective The gallery opens a retrospective exhi- bition of the works of abstract sculp- tor Sigurjón Ólafsson (1908–1982). Sigurjón was one of the most influ- ential Icelandic artists in the postwar era, and was throughout his life in the forefront of Icelandic sculpture. Runs until October 29 The National Museum Inspirations by Ron Rosenstock The subjects of Ron’s black and white photography–land, sky, trees, and glaciers–serve as inspiration for this exhibition. He then digitally edits the images, like photographers of the old used to do in the darkroom, to bring out what he felt like at the time of exposure. Runs until July 27 The Making Of A Nation This exhibition is intended to provide insight into the history of the Icelandic nation from the Settlement to the present day. On permanent view Nordic House TÖLT Tölt is an art exhibition entirely dedicat- ed to the Icelandic horse, presented through diverse media such as pho- tography, sculpture, video, animation, design and fashion. Contemporary Icelandic artists and designers have been given free reign to create and to present artworks inspired by the Ice- landic horse. Each artist conveys his own vision and perception stemming from the horses. Runs until June 29 The Old Harbour Iceland Expo Pavillion Every day from 10:00 to 22:00, Sagafilms projects a film of Icelandic scenery in- side their Iceland Expo Pavillion which provides a unique 360 degree movie experience. On permanent view Reykjavík Art Museum - Ásmundarsafn Selection from the Ásmundur Sveinsson Collection The exhibition spans Ásmundur Sveins- son's entire career and shows how his artistic vision developed throughout his life. There are both earlier and less developed works, and the later grand masterpieces that praise Icelandic people and nature. The collection shows a number of abstract works that the artist created in the last decades of his life. Ásmundur was one of the pioneers of Icelandic plastic art. Runs until August 31 Reykjavík Art Museum - Hafnarhús Erró: The World Today The Reykjavík Art Museum's already large collection of paintings by Erró has grown considerably in recent years as the artist continues to donate his more recent works. These pieces—including collages, oils, watercolours and enam- els—are on display. Runs until September 28 Travel the world of music Box office » 528 5050 » » View our exciting 2013/14 season at Suðurgata 41 / 101 Reykjavík Along with the permanent exhibition that features Iceland’s history from settlement to present day the museum offers a variety of exhibitions during the year, e.g. on Icelandic silver and photography. The National Museum of Iceland ListoflicencedTour OperatorsandTravel Agencieson: Licensing and registration of travel- related services The Icelandic Tourist Board issues licences to tour operators and travel agents, as well as issuing registration to booking services and information centres. Tour operators and travel agents are required to use a special logo approved by the Icelandic Tourist Board on all their advertisements and on their Internet website. Booking services and information centres are entitled to use a Tourist Board logo on all their material. The logos below are recognised by the Icelandic Tourist Board. Reykjavík Photography Museum Tryggvagata 15 (D3) | May 24 - Sep 7 10-17 | ISK Free! The exhibition features a collection of photojournalist Ragnar Axelsson’s best works from the last three decades. Focusing on both the mundane lives of people in the newly independent Baltic States and extraordinary events such as shipwrecks and natural disasters. There are also many pieces from the celebrated collection ‘Last Days of the Arctic,’ which depict vast changes in the way of life in northern countries due to modernisation and global warming. Ragnar captures moments in the ordinary life of members of these communities that on a daily basis face Ends of Eras ‘Mirror Of Life’ by Ragnar Axelsson (RAX) Concert series with Icelandic art songs and folk music. The programme is sung in Icelandic and introduced in English.
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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