Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.06.2014, Blaðsíða 57

Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.06.2014, Blaðsíða 57
O U T S I D E REYKJAVÍK JUNE 6 - 19 stones since 1946. Her collection is now reputedly the world’s largest private collection of rocks, and also includes other things like pens, cups, sea shells and other small items. On permanent display Vopnafjörður European Film Festival Three European films will be screened for absolutely free over one day, with the Danish 'Antboy' at 13:00, the Icelandic 'Málmhaus' ("Metalhead") at 15:00 and Belgian 'Broken Circle Breakdown' at 17:00. June 7 South Iceland Flúðir European Film Festival Three European films will be screened for absolutely free over one day, with the Danish 'Antboy' at 16:00, the Icelandic 'Málmhaus' ("Metalhead") at 18:00 and Belgian 'Broken Circle Breakdown' at 20:00. June 10 Hella Hekla Centre The centre houses a contemporary multimedia exhibition on Hekla mountain, its history, and its influence on human life in Iceland from the time of the settlement to the present The exhibition emphasises the influence of the volcano on the inhabited areas close to it, the districts of Landsveit, Holt, and Rangárvellir. The history of these districts is traced and the stories of people’s struggles with sandstorms and eruptions are told. On permanent display Höfn í Hornafirði Þórbergssetur The centre, established in memory of the famous Icelandic writer Þórbergur Þórðarsson, includes a heritage museum and unique exhibitions of the district Sudursveit, as well as Þórðarsson's life and work. On permanent display Mosfellsbær Gljúfrasteinn Gljúfrasteinn was the home and workplace of Halldór Laxness and his family for fifty years. Today it is a museum, allowing visitors insight into the great writer’s world. All facilities, including the library, have been meticulously maintained. On permanent display Rap And Knights At The Laxness Museum The Reykjavík Wind Quintet's upcoming concert features a variety of supplemental material, ranging from Icelandic rap to ancient Hungarian dances. Admission: 1,500 ISK. June 8 at 16:00 Westman Islands Pompei of the North Excavation project at the site of the 1973 volcanic eruption on the island of Heimaey. On permanent display Sagnheimar Folk Museum This folk museum lets visitors of all ages experience the island's history through photography, multimedia and interactive pieces. On permanent display Vík European Film Festival Three European films will be screened for absolutely free over one day, with the Danish 'Antboy' at 16:00, the Icelandic 'Málmhaus' ("Metalhead") at 18:00 and Belgian 'Broken Circle Breakdown' at 20:00. June 9 INTERNATIONAL FUND FOR ANIMAL WELFARE We don´t sell whale meat Restaurants that have this logo promise not to sell whale meat. We kindly ask you to choose a whale friendly restaurant and to recommend others to do the same. Whaling is cruel and unnecessary Information about whale friendly restaurants can be found at Non-Visible, Naughty & Natural Creation by Kristín Gunnlaugsdóttir Flóra, Hafnarstræti, Akureyri June 14 - August 16 | ISK Free! Kristín Gunnlaugsdóttir hopes to relieve women of the repressive taboo around something both incredibly near and incredibly dear: their libido. ‘Creation,’ her latest exhibition, explores the intricate details surrounding sexuality and (to put it bluntly) genitals. Lush and colorful drawings of vulvas, historically taught to be viewed with disdain, are transposed onto flowers, traditionally natural and beautiful, in order to challenge preconceived notions. The vivid, red draw- ings, juxtaposed against Bónus shopping bags, both attempt to question our expected societal roles and stop us from being “embarrassed” about such depictions and instead to look into these aspects in a way that Kristín consid- ers “natural and normal.” LH West Iceland Borgarfjörður Hjálmaklettur IsNord Music Festival IsNord is a music festival which focuses on making Icelandic and Nordic music more accessible. The festival takes place in Borgarfjordur, in West-Iceland, and this time the concerts will be held at three different locations in Borgarfjörður, the church in Borgarnes, the church in Reykholt and in Surtshellir, a very large cave in Iceland. June 6, 9, 14 & 15 Borgarnes The Icelandic Settlement Centre The Settlement Exhibition A 30-minute long multi-media exhibit that provides insight into the settlement of Iceland, from the first man to step foot on the island, to the establishment of the world's first parliament, Þingvellir. Admission: 2,400 ISK. On permanent display The Egils Saga Exhibition Located in the stone-walled basement of the centre, this exhibit leads visitors through the colourful saga of Egill Skallagrímsson, one of Iceland’s first settlers and greatest heroes. On permanent display Grundarfjörður The Heritage Center The first half of the 20th century comes alive in the permanent exhibit as narrators guide guests through exhibitions showing how developments in farming, fishing and housing marked the beginning of modern life in Iceland. Be sure to also visit the toy section of the exhibit. On permanent display Reykholt Snorrastofa Sitting on the ground floor of the local church, Snorrastofa has an exhibition dedicated to poet, historian and politician Snorri Sturluson as well as the middle ages in Iceland. The store also has a selection of books, CDs and hand made memorabilia. On permanent display Stykkishólmur Library of Water Water, Selected An ongoing exhibition of 24 columns filled with glacier water from all over the country. On permanent display Eldfjallasafnið The museum includes works of art, old and recent, showing volcanic eruptions, as well as objects and artifacts. It boasts volcanic rocks from the collection of professor Haraldur Sigurðsson who has carried out research on volcanoes worldwide for 40 years. Runs until September 30 Books from The UniversiTy of iceland Press VIKING SETTLE- MENTS & VIKING 62&,(7<‹Svavar Sigmundsson ed. Scholars of archaeol- ogy, philology, history, toponymy, numis- matics and a number of other disciplines to discuss the Viking Age from a variety of viewpoints. RING OF SEASONS Terry G. Lacy A long-term resident brings inside and out- side perspectives to this delightful exploration of all facets of Iceland, past and present. A PIECE OF HORSE LIVER Jon Hnefill Adalsteinsson Studies of Old Norse religion and Icelandi folk beliefs. SURTSEY. ECO- SYSTEMS FORMED Sturla Fridriksson A study of how pioneers invaded the island and were gradually joined by others in forming primitive societies and simple ecosystems. MEDITATION AT THE EDGE OF ASKJA Pall Skulason A perfect buy for anyone who loves Icelandic nature and the unique experience of traveling through the Icelandic wilderness. Also available in German and French. AvAilABle aT major booksTores ••• GRJNKT‘FEM GH HR
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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