Reykjavík Grapevine - 18.07.2014, Blaðsíða 20

Reykjavík Grapevine - 18.07.2014, Blaðsíða 20
Best Hangover Meal The Hangover Killer at Prikið When you find yourself stumbling out of bed with a skull-splitting headache and a deep abhorrence of everything and everyone, look no further than Prikið for the perfect remedy. Despite there being a significant chance that the café/bar/hip- hop haven contributed to your hangover in the first place, any hard feelings are patched up by their back-to-back winner, The Hangover Killer. This heaven-sent meal comes complete with a hangover sandwich (ham, cheese, bacon, egg, to- mato, lettuce, and garlic dressing), a Jack Daniels infused ‘Bruce Willis milkshake’ and a tablet of Treo painkiller. Working together, this ensemble provides you with a Hangover Holy Trinity: greasy food, the hair of the dog, and a doctor- recommended analgesic. Once you break out of your subsequent food coma, you’ll find yourself ready to go out and do it all over again. 2013: The Hangover Killer 2012: Vitabar 2011: The Truck at Grái Kötturinn 2010: The Truck at Prikið 2009: The Truck at Grái kötturinn Best Soup Noodle Station Ask a bunch of people living in Reykjavík to name the best soup in town and you will find yourself in the midst of a some- what contentious conversation. There are a fair amount of soups served here, and a fair amount of them are pretty damn good. But if you want to get the most bang for your buck—or KRASH for your króna, if you will—you’re almost guaranteed to come away from Noodle Station happy. It’s a simple, quick place that doesn’t try to reinvent the wheel. You have two choices to make: do you want Chicken, Beef, or Veggie? Do you want spicy or lame not spicy? (“Always spicy,” says a panellist. “I want them to make me cry.” And they do.) Every so often—“like 20% of the time,” says our frequent noodler who has eaten there “probably 70 times” in the last few years—Noodle Station doesn’t serve up the best bowl, but no matter what, you’ll never leave hungry. This is particularly true if you order your soup to go, as word on the street is that the take-away portions are generally more substantial. 2013: Kryddlegin Hjörtu 2012: Höfnin 2011: Kryddlegin Hjörtu 2010: Súpubarinn 2009: Lobster Soup at Sægreifinn Best Place To Go For A Fancy Meal Dill Dill is New Nordic cuisine at its best. While many restaurants in Iceland have embraced some of the principles of New Nordic cuisine, as one of our resident foodies notes, Dill takes it the whole way, “carefully sourcing and foraging its in- gredients.” Dill’s head chef, Gunnar Karl Gíslason, has worked at a number of Mi- chelin starred restaurants in Denmark, and has been known to bring in guest chefs from the likes of Michelin-rated Maaemo. For a visual taste of Gunnar’s expertise, you can also flip through his mouthwatering book, ‘North: The New Nordic Cuisine of Iceland.’ Note: Don’t go to Dill’s old location! The restaurant recently relocated to Hverfisgata 12 after a five-year run in the Nordic House on Sturlugata. 2013: Gallery Restaurant at Hótel Holt 2012: Grill Market 2011: Dill 2010: Dill 2009: Gallery Restaurant at Hótel Holt Best Place To Go On A Date Grill Market If you’re looking for a fancy restaurant for a romantic date, Grill Market is the perfect place. You will enjoy the fresh- est high quality food from local organic farmers and a great selection of wines from all over the world in a classy, luxuri- ous setting. Portions are also pretty big so they’re perfect for sharing! On that note, there’s also a tasting menu for two put to- gether by the chefs so that sample a vari- ety of mouth-watering delicacies. 2013: Tapas Barinn 2012: Sushisamba 2011: Ítalía 2010: Pisa 2009: Ítalía Best Newcomer Restaurant K-Bar K-Bar made a splash when it opened in late 2013 and it continues to roll out inno- vative new dishes. But thanks to creative cocktails, a strong line-up of beers and trendy yet cosy décor, K-Bar is satisfying even before the food arrives. The menu is detail-oriented and exciting, showcas- ing a unique fusion of Korean and Por- tuguese influences. Though the Korean staple, Bi Bim Bap, is good, the soft shell crab tempura sandwich and fish burgers are standouts. For dessert, try the cronut, their version of the croissant-donut fad that in 2013 created five hour lines and a black market outside its original bak- ery in New York City. K-Bar also has a special place in our hearts because they offer what might be the best food and drink deal in the city. Between 16:00 and 18:00, you can stop in and get their sauce- slathered KFC (Korean Fried Chicken) wings and the beer of the day for only 990 ISK. From the fresh flavours, the steal of a deal and the cronuts, K-Bar is an extremely welcomed addition to the Reykjavík dining scene. 2013: Bergsson Mathús 2012: Forréttabarinn 2011: Sjávargrillið 2010: Noodle Station 2009: Saffran Best Goddamn Restaurant Snaps Since we started making our BEST OF issues, Best Goddamn Restaurant has remained one of the categories we have the most fun with as, according to the definition we initially made up, a ‘best goddamn restaurant’ needs to be ‘on the cheaper side,’ ‘consistent,’ ‘tasty’ and ‘available.’ And finding a spot that does all of the above is both rare and wonder- ful. Even more rare—for Reykjavík, at least—is for an establishment to maintain those standards for a number of years without faltering on the quality front or blowing up its prices. This is perhaps why it’s especially fun that we get to award SNAPS this title for the third year run- ning. Ever since SNAPS appeared on the scene (and on our BEST OF REYKJA- VÍK list) back in 2012, the restaurant has thankfully kept at it. SNAPS continues to maintain a near-impeccable balance be- tween good food, great atmosphere and affordable pricing; the perfect place to dine when you want to feel a little fancy without spending an arm and a leg. Fish of the day comes recommended, as do any of their Smörrebröd. Coupled with a drink, of course, or two. Thank you, SNAPS! 2013: SNAPS 2012: SNAPS 2011: Ban Thai 2010: Saffran 2009: Segurmo at Boston Best Family Restaurant The Laundromat Cafe The Laundromat Café has pulled off the four-peat, legitimising their run as a dynasty in the family restaurant arena. Sure, there are other places that pride themselves on being kid-friendly. A de- cent number of restaurants serve up af- fordable diner fare. And yes, even some places have board games to play. But to have all of these together, plus a down- stairs play area, AND laundry machines?! The Laundromat Cafe is truly one-of-a- kind. 2013: Laundromat 2012: Laundromat 2011: Laundromat 2010: Piri-Piri 2009: Hornið Best Cheap Meal 10-11 after 14:00 10-11 is not exactly the first place that comes to mind in a conversation about cheap food in Reykjavík. In fact, it prob- ably doesn’t come to mind at all. For cheap groceries, most people would probably agree that you should head to Bónus. However, if you’re looking for a hot and seemingly healthy meal, 10-11 is actually not a bad option after two in the afternoon, when said hot meals are sold at a 50% discount. Their menu ro- tates weekly and often features Icelandic staples such as boiled haddock with po- tatoes and plokkfiskur (“fish stew”) with rye bread. You’d be hard-pressed to find similar meals elsewhere in Reykjavík for less than 1,000 ISK. In addition, you can typically get a fairly hearty kjötsúpa (Ice- landic “meat soup”) for less than 500 ISK, regardless of the hour. 2013: ‘Sub of the month’ at Subway 2012: Íslenski barinn 2011: Noodle Station 2010: ‘Sub of the month’ at Subway ListoflicencedTour OperatorsandTravel Agencieson: Licensing and registration of travel- related services The Icelandic Tourist Board issues licences to tour operators and travel agents, as well as issuing registration to booking services and information centres. Tour operators and travel agents are required to use a special logo approved by the Icelandic Tourist Board on all their advertisements and on their Internet website. Booking services and information centres are entitled to use a Tourist Board logo on all their material. The logos below are recognised by the Icelandic Tourist Board. LOST IN ICELAND Tours LOST? Price from: 10.900 Price from: 10.000 Price from: 7.900 Come on a tour with us Kayaking adventures Hot spring hikes City tours 20 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 10 — 2014 Best Of Reykjavík!
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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