Reykjavík Grapevine - 26.09.2014, Blaðsíða 8

Reykjavík Grapevine - 26.09.2014, Blaðsíða 8
Iceland | For Dummies Fortunately for us, the Hol- urhraun eruption (discussed on page 6 and 34) has not produced airplane-choking ash clouds nor led to devastating glacial flooding. There have, however, been continuous plumes of sulphur dioxide wafting through mostly North and East Ice- land from the site of the Holuhraun eruption, giving police another reason to cordon off a large swath of Iceland from public access. Not that this hasn’t stopped a few idiots from blithely driv- ing into an eruption site anyway. New forms of natural selection ahoy! Minister of Health Kristján Þór Júlíusson is exploring the le- galisation of drugs, going so far as to agree with a recent Global Com- mission on Drug Policy report that the War on Drugs has failed. Instead, he believes Iceland should emphasise education, prevention and treatment for addicts. Oh, he also wants to ex- tend health coverage to refugees. Kristján proves once again that Ice- land’s most conservative politicians are still to the left of most American Democrats. The fun never ends at the Ministry of the Interior. One of the Minis- ter’s former assistants, Gísli Freyr Valdórsson, is now on trial for his part in leaking a memo about asylum seek- er Tony Omos to select members of the press. Gísli Freyr’s legal team have been pretty creative when it comes to his defence, arguing at one point that the office cleaning staff at the Ministry might have, for whatever reason, print- ed the memo themselves and sent it to the press. Sure, that’s possible. Or maybe it was the ghost of a pirate, or maybe Gísli Freyr has an evil twin. Anything’s possible in Legal Town! BY PAUL FONTAINE 8 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 15 — 2014 NEWS IN BRIEF CONTINUES OPEN 7-21 BREAKFAST, LUNCH & DINNER T EMPL AR A SUND 3 , 101 RE Y K JAV ÍK , T EL : 5711822, W W W.BERGSSON. IS A number of promi-nent Icelanders cheered on the Scottish indepen-dence movement during the run-up to the September 18 referendum de- ciding whether Scotland should leave the United Kingdom. Among notable Icelanders who expressed support for the Yes movement were comedian and former Reykjavík mayor Jón Gnarr, the band Sigur Rós, and a smattering of politicians, including both the Presi- dent and the Prime Minister. None of them caused deep ripples, unlike when, on the eve of the election, Scottish inde- pendence received the endorsement of the most famous Icelander of them all: Eyjafjallajökull. How can a volcano support any- thing? Did it ash out a Scottish flag or something? Sorry, that was a typo. I meant Björk. In the heat of an election campaign, peo- ple are quick to jump on famous peo- ple's words. There have been cases of celebrities being misinterpreted, such as when BBC film critic Mark Kermode tweeted: "I know I'm not the target au- dience, but it's a Yes from me." He was talking about the new Doctor Who, but happened to tweet during a televised independence debate. So Björk wore a tartan scarf and people took it the wrong way? Björk's endorsement was not really open to interpretation. On the eve of the election she went to her Facebook page and posted the lyrics to her song "Declare Independence." In case there was any shred of doubt that this was not a coincidence, she wrote "Scotland!" three times in a row at the beginning. Maybe she had copy-pasted the wrong text, and meant to say: "Scot- land! Don't make the Queen sad!" Björk has a long history of supporting national sovereignty movements. "De- clare Independence" was written in support of Faroese and Greenlandic in- dependence. Most famously she shout- ed "Tibet" while performing the song in China. Chinese authorities were not pleased. In an article on the govern- ment's English-language China Inter- net Information Center website, it was noted that "many western entertainers make use of politics to create their im- ages" and "what Bjork did was simply another ludicrous political show." Doesn't the budget of the Chinese government stretch so far as buying umlaut keys for their keyboard? Apparently not. Sadly the government did not stop at calling Björk a poseur, but they tightened regulations for art- ists who had supported Tibetan sover- eignty even the slightest bit. This is not the only time her support for national self-determination has caused contro- versy. During one live performance she dedicated the song to Kosovo, which caused a festival in Serbia to cancel her scheduled appearance. Okay, so Björk is really keen on in- dependence. She is not an outlier among Icelanders. The government is often very quick to recognise new states, notably being the only Western European country to have full diplomatic relations with Pal- estine. In the case of Scotland, she was firmly in the middle of Icelandic public opinion. The referendum was covered closely in the media. For instance Bogi Ágústsson, the main news anchor of state broadcaster RÚV, analysed every twist and turn on morning radio, as well as reporting on it on TV. What's strange about that? Scotland is a neighbour of Iceland. Scottish news was not common in the Icelandic media before. The referen- dum campaign caught the imagination of Icelanders, many of whom have lived, studied and visited there. The percep- tion is that Scotland is pretty close to being one of the Nordic countries. Per- haps most importantly, Iceland gained independence within living memory, in 1944, making independence move- ments sentimental favourites. Ah, so it was affinity for Scots, and not anti-English views that lay be- hind the support? No, there was some anti-English feel- ing too. Many Icelanders still have not forgiven the British government for freezing Icelandic banking assets fol- lowing the 2008 financial crash. Bank- ing authorities used anti-terrorism legislation, which in the heat of the mo- ment was interpreted by many Iceland- ers as amounting to having the nation labeled as terrorists. It's not fair equating terrorists and bankers. Terrorists haven't caused nearly as much misery. Now, now, no need to be mean. Banks serve an important function, like the colon. Punctuation would be poorer without it. It also helped to shore up Icelandic support for Scottish indepen- dence that the leading anti-indepen- dence campaigners were Alistair Dar- ling and Gordon Brown, who in 2008 were British Chancellor and Prime Minister respectively. To Icelanders it was like Luke Skywalker and the Re- bellion going up against the Evil Em- pire. But in the end the Empire won. Yes, to much bafflement in Icelandic social media. To a nation of 320,000, it seems odd that a nation of millions would hold itself back. The indepen- dence of Iceland is guaranteed by being hundreds of kilometres from anyone else, but it is maintained by an ironclad belief that anyone can be independent, even a nation of 320,000. So What's This Support For Scottish Independence I Keep Hearing About? Words by Kári Tulinius @Kattullus Illustration by Inga María Brynjarsdóttir
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