The White Falcon


The White Falcon - 01.05.1987, Síða 5

The White Falcon - 01.05.1987, Síða 5
University time Magna Cum Laude' Radioman First Class Christoper Lindsey arrived in Iceland in Feburary 1983 to be stationed at the Naval Communication Station (NCS). He had acquired three college semester hours at his previous command. After investigating the Navy Campus program and taking a few CLEP tests along with his military credits Petty Officer Lindsey found himself half way toward his goal of obtaining a bachelor degree. With encouragement from his wife, command, Navy Campus and the University of Maryland, Lindsey finished all the requirements for a bachelor of science degree in management studies with a minor in psychology. He graduated with honors 'Magna Cum Laude" from the University of Maryland in January 1987. ‘This is a goal that Is achievable if you are interested in improving yourself," he said. "If you have a goal to obtain Iceland is a good place to do it... and my wife was an encouraging influence in this accomplishment." Lindsey is now working on his master's degree in management (photo by PH3 Patricia Forokor). Life without growth is death by Chaplain (Maj.) Johnny R. Almond Staff chaplian, Brooks AFB, Tx. What is life without develop- ment, without growth? Growth is the natural law of life. When things stop growing they begin to die. This is true of people, business and nations. Our joy is in growing. The reward for development is the release through ourselves of greater potentials for development. We are most content when we are fulfilling our purpose. The purpose of life is' spiritual, mental and physical growth. We are born to grow. This is the word that religion, philosophy, literature and art ceaselessly speak. We can grow by keeping in vital communication with the world within us and outside us. "We have only one ambition," says Lee lacocca. ‘To be the best. What else is there?" Why stay on Earth unless it is to grow, to become "all that you can be?" Fife contains far more than power, wealth and fame. Excellence is a far nobler goal than success. Attainment of power, wealth and status is never as satisfying or lasting as development of character and Integrity. You are attaining excellence to the extent that you grow, and you grow to the degree that you become wiser, more useful and a more secure person, in other words, we live to learn, and by this very process we learn to live. As a total being, we either grow toward something or our very existence Is meaningless. "He has changed" is a fine compliment. Berries change from green to ripe. If It were not so, they would be useless. All growth means change. In Texas years ago, almost all the oil came from surface operations. Then some one got the idea there were greater sources of supply deeper down. A well was drilled 5,000 feet deep. The result? A gusher. Too many of us operate on the surface. We never go deep enough to find supernatural resources. The result Is that we never operate at our best.- more time and investment is involved to go deep, but a gusher will pay off. From infancy the lesson books of life are opened and the mentality and intellect proceed in an ever-expanding circle, pro- ducing a consciousness which grasps the profound wisdom of God. The purpose of existence is to develop this consciousness. When the soul has reached maturity it has reached full growth, and should be prepared for immortality and eternal life. We change by growth, not by magic. May 1, 1987 5


The White Falcon

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