The White Falcon


The White Falcon - 01.05.1987, Síða 12

The White Falcon - 01.05.1987, Síða 12
Sports by J03 Jeff Briden AIMD leads base volleyball B-League The AIMD Men's B-League Volleyball squad nipped High School, 13-8, 13-11, April 21 to take sole possession of first place in the men's Intramural Volleyball B-League for the week ending April 26. AIMD stands at 6-0 while High School and VP-44 "E" stand one game back at 5-1. Those three teams have strong company as the 57th FIS-2 stands two games back at 4-2 followed by NBS at 3-3. The Men's A-League has produced a pulsating race for the title this season with three teams tied for first place. NAVFAC, IDF/CFK and VP-44-0 have dominated play while racing to 6-0 marks. IDF/CFK and NAVFAC clashed for the first place Monday night and IDF/CFK came out on top in three games, 4-15, 15-13, 13-10. In CO-ED play, IDF/CFK continues to spike their way to the lead. Saturday, they clobbered NCS, 15-2, 15-2 to up their perfect record to 5-0. AIMD stands one game back in the winning column at 4-0. the AIMD bunch received a tough test from NOCF Saturday, but they prevailed in two games, 14-12, 15-6. At 4-1, both NAVFAC teams are poised to grab a piece of the league lead. Meanwhile, in the Women's League April 22, IDF/CFK disposed of High School, 15—4, 12—8 to up their undefeated mark to 5-0 NAVFAC, propelled by a sizzling service streak from Linda Porter, bombarded PWD, 15-1, 15-2 to move into second place tie with a 4-1 record. PWD came into the match with a perfect record and now sits at 4-1. DHTG Vollegball The NATO women's volleyball squad concluded preparations and were scheduled to depart Keflavik yesterday for the Northern European Champion- ship's in Weathersfield, England. Captain Nancy Stover, Cheryl Mooney and Linda Porter return to the team hoping to lend the much needed ex- perience that can be the deciding factor in a tight match. The women are coached by Phil Ryan and he feels confident that the NATO women will come home with their second straight Northern European Championship trophy. Meanwhile, the NATO men's team was chosen April 25. The continue their workouts to ready them- selves for defense of the Northern European crown they won last year. Rem Weight Room The recent opening of the new weight room at the base gym has elevated local interest in weight lifting. The sport demands extensive concentration and commitment on the part of the lifter. But, the dividends lifting pays are readily visible in a stronger, healthier body. Weight lifting enthusiasts such as Bob Mitchell feel the expanded facility at the gym makes a big difference in safety and comfort while working out. "It makes a big difference," says Mitchell, “you're not stumbling over weights and you're not tripping over people." Additionally, the gym plans to stock the weight room with some new equipment this summer. The hours of operations are Monday - Thursday, 6:30 to 10:00 p.m., Friday 6:30 to Midnight, Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. and Sunday 9:00 a.m. to Midnight. Ggm Shorts □ Floor aerobics are now being offered at lunch time from 12:10 until 12:50 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays as well as the classes offered Mondays through Fridays from 5:30 until 6:30 p.m. Come out and join the fun. □ The ballfields have been secured until further notice. The reason for this is to give the grass a chance to grow before the Intramural Softball Season begins. Softball equipment will be issued out after the first of May. □ May locker rentals are due! 0 If you are interested in playing men's NATO softball you need to call Phil Ryan at 4543/4888 for a work out schedule. □ Anyone interested in coaching NATO women's softball should contact Jack Cristwell no later than May 7. □ Organizational meetings for the month of May are as follows: May 7th: Organizational softball meeting May 14th: Organizational golf meeting. The meetings will be held at the NAS Conference Room at 6:00 p.m. □ If you would like to enroll your child in a swim class you must first bring them over for a swimming skills test. For dates and times of these tests call Steve Kaldro at 6131. □ Congratulations to the NATO Dart Team for taking third place in the Northern European Tournament! 12 The White Falcon


The White Falcon

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