The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 14.01.1994, Síða 5

The White Falcon - 14.01.1994, Síða 5
35th Wing commander answers questions Mponsultations spark interest among troops Editor's note: The following is a summary of comments made by the Commander of the 35th Wing, Col. Bran McAllister, during a recent question and answer session held Jan. 7for all base Air Force personnel and theirfamilies concerning the con- sultations. Following the summary is a listing of the questions that were posed and the answers given by McAllister. McAllister started by touching on morale issues affecting base personnel and went into the state- ments made by Rear Adm. Mi- chael Haskins, Commander Ice- land Defense Force, during his recent NBS interview. He also discussed issues such as the re- duction in F-15 forces, manpower reductions and more. “Manpower es depend on which organiza- |nal structure is finally decided for the 35th Wing for the fu- ture,” McAllister said. On the issue of F-15 alerts, he stated that this feature will re- main since it is the most visible method of demonstrating the Air Force’s capability to provide an air defense for Iceland. Question: Will we continue to see the KC-135 here in support of the F-15 operations? McAllister: Whether there are four F-15s here or a whole squad- ron of F-15s, we will continue certain things because they are not related to the number of air- planes, but rather to the fact that we have airplanes here at all. We will continue to have a tanker here for the same reasons we have always had one, it enables us to perform our mission. With- out the tanker, we have a signifi- cant shift in our ability to provide a longer more continuous air defense presence. Q: How will this (the Agreed Minute) affect the Department of Defense schools? A: There is concern, with potential impact on their enroll- ment. Many implications for staff sizings and textbooks will need to be addressed. In my opinion, depending on drawdown, there will always be somewhat of an impact The enrollment will undoubtedly change. For those of you who will be here for the next school year, the quality of the education your children will receive here will not diminish in the least. Q: How will this affect mobility exercises and TDYs (Temporary Duty Assignments)? A: The decision was made to keep F-15s here, a smaller number. In many respects, nothing has re- ally changed except the number of planes. The mission has two parts: operate day to day, and support forces to augment us, such as additional F- 15s. There remains the requirement to exercise. There is no reason to think that any TDYs will change. The scheduled mission will not change in any way. Q: What will be the effect on quality of life with the drawdown. Can quality of life be enhanced Wing to wing and tail to tail in the sky Col. BranMcAllister,Commander35th Wing. (File photo) due to fewer personnel in the barracks? A: Planners have to consider a number of factors such as: cost, combat capability, safety and quality of life. In a Total Quality Leadership Air Force, our lead- ership believes that quality of life may be the most important ws P-3C Orion aircraft belonging to Patrol Squadron 45 (VP-45 ) and the Royal Netherlands Navy fly above southeast coast of Iceland during aformationflying exercise last week. According to Lt. ChuckCleary, ventional Weapons Officer for VP-45, the formation flight was the first of its kind for the squadron had an added benefit of being pilot1 aircrew training. VP-45 is on a six-month deployment to Naval Air Station Keflavlk, and the Dutch keep a permanent presense with one aircraft and a rotating crew. (Photo by J03(SW) Andreas Walter) factor to consider. Every oppor- tunity we have to improve the quality of life, we will act on. There have been discussions concerning living conditions. We should expect no decrease in the quality of life and should expect it to remain as good as now. Q: Do you have any idea where the aircraft will be going to? A: The challenge is to figure out where they all need to go. They will probably go to where the same types of aircraft already exist Q: How will this affect per- sonnel coming to Iceland? A: There is the possibility that there is a temporary hold on some inbounds. Some assignments might also be slowed down. January 14,1994 5


The White Falcon

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