The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 14.01.1994, Qupperneq 8

The White Falcon - 14.01.1994, Qupperneq 8
Happy birthday, RPs Fifteen years of support- ing command religious programs, but what exactly is it they do? Story by RPC(SW) Phil Knoll On Jan. 15, 1979, the Navy religious program specialist (RP) rating was established. As one of the Navy’s newer career fields, RPs are frequently bombarded with the following questions: “What do you do anyway? Do you stand watches? Do you work any other days besides Sunday? Are you non-combatants like chaplains?” By design, the rating provides Navy chaplains with professional support of the command religious program, but they are not clergy. Only duly endorsed and commissioned chaplains are recognized as bona fide clergy in the Armed Forces. Preaching, pastoral coun- seling, praying and intiating any other religious rites or obser- vances are not included in any RP job description. RPs support re- ligious ministry, but there is no requirement that an RP must main- tain any denominational loyalty or religious affiliation. In their official capacity, RPs perform administrative and cleri- cal functions similar to yeomen and personnelmen; public affairs work simliar to journalists; supply and fund maintenance similar to storekeepers; and facilities upkeep similar to seabees. You will find RPs most often in traditional dungarees, khaki or Navy blues, but they also wear the uniform of the Marine Corps and Coa^j Guard when so assigned. At shore stations, RPs generally wi most Saturdays and Sundays in support of their chaplains. Whi assigned to seagoing vessels, RPs stand underway watches, must be damage control and 3-M qualified, and are assigned to assist at general quarters, underway replenishment stations and sea and an- chor details. RPs are combatants. In fact, 25 percent of active duty RPs serve with the Marine Corps either in the Fleet Marine Force or in the gar- rison at any given time. RPs serving with Marines are required to complete infantry training before reporting for duty. An RP serv- ing with the Marines must maintain weapons qualifications at all times to serve as a bodyguard for the chaplain. According to the Geneva Conven- tion, chaplains are non-combatants and are forbidden to bear arms. The four RPs as- signed to the Chapel of Light are proud of their rating and are always happy to have visitors stop by. Next time you’re in thechapel, why not wish them a happy birthday! iV/O, )a^M^ Military monthly pay, effective Jan. 1,1994 Years of service Grade <2 2 0-10 6801.60 7040.70 0-9 6027.90 6185.70 0-8 S459.70 5623.50 0-7 4538.60 4845.00 0-6 336240 3694.20 0-5 2689.20 3157.50 0-4 2266.80 2760.30 0-3 2106.30 2355.30 0-2 1836.90 2005.80 O-l 1594.80 1659.90 0-3E 0.00 0.00 0-2E 0.00 0.00 O-IE 0.00 0.00 W-5 0.00 0.00 W-4 2146.20 230250 W-3 1950.60 2115.90 W-2 1708.50 1848.30 W-l 1423.20 163200 E-9 0.00 0.00 E-8 0.00 0.00 E-7 1461.60 1578.00 E-6 1257.60 1370.70 E-5 1103.40 1201.20 E-4 1029.30 1067.20 E-3 969.90 1023.00 E-2 933.30 933.30 E-l 83280 83280 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 7040.70 6317.40 5756.70 4845.00 3936.30 3375.90 2944.50 2517.90 2410.20 2005.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2302.50 2115.90 1848.30 163Z00 0.00 0.00 1636.20 1427.70 1259.70 1151.10 1063.80 933.30 832.80 7(M0.70 6317.40 5756.70 4845.00 3936.30 3375.90 2944.50 2785.80 2491.20 2005.80 2785.80 2491.20 2005.80 0.00 2355.30 2143.20 1902.00 1768.20 0.00 0.00 1693.80 1488.60 1314.30 1239.90 1105.80 933.30 832.80 7040.70 6317.40 5756.70 506220 3936.30 3375.90 2999.10 2919.00 254280 2005.80 2919.00 254280 2143.20 0.00 248240 2168.10 2005.60 1848.30 0.00 0.00 1751.40 1544.40 1401.00 1288.80 1105.80 933.30 83280 7311.00 6478.20 6185.70 506220 3936.30 3375.90 3131.40 3023.70 254280 2005.80 3023.70 2623.50 222210 0.00 2570.70 2326.80 2115.90 1927.50 0.00 2093.70 1807.20 1599.90 1458.00 1288.80 1105.80 933.30 83280 7311.00 6478.20 6185.70 5355.60 3936.30 3478.20 3345.00 3187.50 254280 2005.80 3187.50 2760.30 230250 0.00 2678.70 246240 219630 2005.80 2496.90 2153.70 1865.10 1658.70 1515.60 1288.80 1105.80 933.30 83280 771600 6747.60 6478.20 5355.60 3936.30 3665.40 3533.10 3345.00 254280 2005.80 3345.00 286620 238260 0.00 2866.20 254280 227670 2088.90 255270 2210.40 1923.30 1744.20 1571.40 1288.80 1105.80 933.30 83280 7716.00 6747.60 6478.20 5623.50 4070.10 3911.10 3694.20 3427.20 254280 2005.80 3478.20 2944.50 2491.20 0.00 2999.10 2623.50 2355.30 2168.10 2610.60 2267.70 2010.30 1796.80 1599.90 1288.80 1105.80 933.30 83280 8267.70 8267.70 7311.00 7311.00 6747.60 7040.70 6185.70 6611.10 4713.60 4954.20 4203.90 4444.50 3856.50 396270 3427.20 3427.20 254280.254280 2005.80 2005.80 3478.20 3478.20 2944.50 2944.50 2491.20 2491.20 0.00 0.00 3104.40 3187.50 2701.80 2785.80 2438.10 2517.90 2248.60 2326.60 2670.60 2730.30 2327.70 2381.10 2067.30 2124.60 1857.00 1885.20 1599.90 1599.90 1288.80 1288.80 1105.80 1105.80 933.30 933.30 83280 83280 8821.50 7716.00 7311.00 6611.10 506220 4579.50 396270 3427.20 254280 2005.80 3478.20 2944.50 2491.20 366270 3290.40 2894.40 2597.10 2410.20 2783.40 2439.60 215220 1885.20 1599.90 1288.80 1105.80 933.30 83280 8821.50 7716.00 7491.30 6611.10 5355.60 4739.40 396270 3427.20 254280 2005.80 3478.20 2944250 2491.20 3801.60 3400.50 2999.10 2701.80 2410.20 2929.20 258270 2296.80 1885.20 1599.90 1288.80 1105.80 933.30 83280 8821.50 7716.00 7491.30 6611.10 5536.60 4739.40 396270 3427.20 254280 2005.80 3478.20 2944.50 2491.20 3911.40 3506.40 2999.10 2701.80 2410.20 3043.20 2697.90 2411.10 1885.20 1599.90 1288.80 1105.80 933.30 83280 26 9371.10 8287.70 7491.30 6611.10 5808.60 4739.40 396270 3427.20 254280 2005.80 3478.20 2944.50 2491.20 4076.10 3665.40 3104.40 2701.80 2410.20 3214.20 2870.40 258270 1885.20 1599.90 1288.80 1105.80 933.30 83280 8 The White Falcon


The White Falcon

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