The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 14.01.1994, Síða 12

The White Falcon - 14.01.1994, Síða 12
Basketball standings as of Jan. 11 base sports Viking league Troll league Njardvfk 10-0 NAS #2 VP45 7-3 35 Supply A 35 Security 7-3 VP45 Officers NAVFAC 6-3 35 MS #1 932 ACS 5-2 Nasty High School 4-4 NCTS Icons 35 MS #2 3-5 CFK 35 Supply Scrubs 3-6- PWD NAS Kickers 3-7 35 MSSQ Hospital 1-8 Marines NBS Rockers 0-9 NSGA PSD Over 30 league 10-0 NAS 8-0 7-2 932 ACS 7-1 6-2 57 FS 7-4 6-3 Teachers 5-3 6-4 High School 5-3 6-4 NCTS 5-4 5-3 CFK 4-4 5-5 Air Force Supply 4-5 3-7 35 Logistics 3-5 2-9 NAVFAC 2-7 1-8 NAS Ladies 1-8 0-9 NATO Women 1-9 Gym announces new policies The Base Gym will implement a new gear issue policy effective mid-February. Patrons will experience minor delays at the cage for a week or so until the program is in full effect. Personnel are requested to bring their I.D. cards for their first visit after mid-February to register for a Base Gymnasium Issue Card. Also, there will be a new locker policy at the gym effective Feb. 3. All patrons who currently rent long-term lockers must contact the Athletic Office before Feb. 3 to update files. For further information on either of these is- sues, contact the Athletic Office at 4588. Racquetball clinic There will be two racquet- ball clinics held at the gym Wed. and Thurs. from 6-8 p.m. Four experienced play- ers will explain the ins and outs of equipment, shoes, strategy, and playing style to the first 16 registrants of each day. Register at the Athletic Office Mon. through Fri. during business hours. If the need exists, future clinics will be held. This is a great opportunity for new players to bone-up for the tournament in Feb. For more information, con- tact the Athletic Office at ext. 4588. MLK from page 2 When King led a voter registration drive in Alabama, in the spring of 1965, people came from all over the nation to support black voting rights. That same year, Congress passed the Voting Rights Act. In the mid-’60s, the struggle for black equality spread to the inner-cities of the North. Riots broke out among poor blacks, and King increasingly turned his attention to the problems of poverty, not just formal segregation. In 1965 and 1966 he led a campaign against racial discrimination among Chicago landlords. In 1966, King first publicly attacked the Vietnam War. He was criticized by moderate black leaders, such as Roy Wilkins and Whitney Young, who argued that the war was not a civil rights issue. King replied that he opposed all injustice to blacks, and that furthermore, the war wasted money that might otherwise help al- leviate blacks’ poverty, ill health and lack of education. Later, most black leaders came to oppose the war. In 1968, King organized a “Poor People's Campaign” to unite the poor in a fight against poverty. While supporting a strike by black sani- tation workers in Memphis, Term, on April 4, 1968, King was assassinated. James Earl Ray, a white ex-convict, later pleaded guilty to the crime but never disclosed a motive. King’s murder errupted rioting by blacks in more than 100 cities. More than 100,000 people attended his funeral in Atlanta. His tombstone expressed the fundamentally religious vision that underlay his activism. It was inscribed, “Free at last, free at last. Thank God almighty I’m free at last.” Monday has been designated a federal holiday in observance of King’s birthday. NAS KeflavCk will hold a special prograrrA Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. in Andrews Theatei■ 12 The White Falcon


The White Falcon

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