Úr þjóðarbúskapnum - 01.06.1962, Page 40

Úr þjóðarbúskapnum - 01.06.1962, Page 40
ÚR ÞJÓÐARBÚSKAPNUM HLUTFALLSLEG SKIPTING NEYZLU EINSTAKLINGA 1960 ÚTGJ. ÚTLENDINGA HÉRLENDIS 15% ÚTGJ. ÍSLENDINGA ERLENDIS ÝMIS WÓNUSTA SKEMMTANIR OG TÓMSTUNDAIÐJA FIUTNINGAPJÓNUSTA HEILSUVERND OG SNYRTING VARANLEGIR HÚSMUNIR, HEIMILISHALD DRYKKJARVÖRUR, TÓBAK FATNAÐUR HÚSN/EÐI, IJÓS OG HITI A Study of Consumers’ Expenditure in lceland 1957 — 1960 (A) Expenditure at current market prices. Research methods and sources of data con- cerning Consumers’ Expenditure in 1957—’58 were described in detail in No. 10 of this journal (pp 64—67). Calculations for 1959 and 1960 follow the same lines. (B) Expenditure at constant market prices of 1960. The recalculation was done, wherever possi- ble, by multiplying quantity of goods by the unit values of 1960. Other commodities were divided into groups of comparahle goods and one merchandise chosen as ’mdicator”. The price development of this ’mdicator” was studied and a price index established. This index was used to calculate the 1960 values of the whole group. (C) Quantum indices of consumers’ expenditure, 1957—1960. Consumers’ Expenditure in each expendi- ture group in 1957—1960 at constant market prices of 1960 was expressed as percentage of 1960 values. 38


Úr þjóðarbúskapnum

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