STARA - 16.04.2015, Síða 38

STARA - 16.04.2015, Síða 38
S T A R A n o .3 1 .T B L 2 0 15 38 Parallel view Eygló Harðardóttir Kari Grétudóttir These days the artist Eygló Harðardóttir is exhibiting her work at Týsgallerí at Týsgata 3 in Reykjavík. The exhibi- tion’s title, Parallel views (Samsíða sjónarhorn), refers to a specif ic method of displaying three dimensions on a two dimensional sur face without perspective, a technique used in Eastern classical art, architectural drawings and com- puter games. Photos Eyg ló Harðardót t ir



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