STARA - 16.04.2015, Side 47

STARA - 16.04.2015, Side 47
S T A R A n o .3 1.T B L 2 0 15 47 This comes as a complete surprise to me because I‘ve always seen my animations as experiments rather than completed works. Then I plan to escape the mundane and my studio in May and stay at the guest studio at Skriðuklaustur for a month. How important is it for you to have a studio? Necessary. Everything I do demands plenty of space and it is important to me to have everything scat- tered all over the place when I‘m working. Some- times it‘s a complete mess and then it just has to stay that way to create the right setting. The studio is a holy space where I make no compromises and the work is the only thing that matters. Description of the studio in 20 words: Energy, chaos, stale coffee, piles of all kinds of stuff, peace, music, a big window, view of the sea and into the rooms at the Marina Hotel ... What is the goal/highlight of the work? The highlight is to make coffee at the studio, put the music on loud and draw relentlessly for many hours without thinking about anything. The goal is to always do this. Why are you an artist? I‘ve always been drawing so much that it bordered on mania, at least some of the time. I started when I was small child and have been drawing ever since. Since I was good at drawing I ended up going to art school. I didn‘t go because of any particular interest in art itself. I just wanted to draw and then the in- terest in art came later. I never consciously decided to become an artist either. The drawing kind of led me here and I never know what happens next. In a perfect world art would be ... Completely perfect and uninteresting. I think the art of an imperfect world is much more exciting. Motto: Draw more, think less. Influences: People, boring and fun people, ordinary people, weird people, magic people, opposites, discomfort, humor, horror, joy, restlessness, mad- ness, things and people that are out of control, all emotions and most things that are imperfect. What does The Association of Icelandic Visual Artists (SÍM) mean to you? It is an association that thinks about and takes care of practical and sensible things I know nothing about. Why did you become a member of SÍM? I was told it was sensible. What are the advantages of being a member of SÍM? Mostly being able to rent the SÍM studios. I‘ve rented a studio from SÍM for many years, first at Seljavegur and now at Nýlendugata. It‘s a great luxury not having to think about things like inter- net connections, paying for heat and electricity and all the boring stuff you often have to bother with as a tenant. I‘ve also applied for and gotten Muggur, the SÍM travel grant, several times these past years and in general I‘ve had a very positive relationship with the association. Website From “A s tor y of c reat ion”



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