STARA - 16.04.2015, Síða 52

STARA - 16.04.2015, Síða 52
S T A R A n o .3 1 .T B L 2 0 15 52 Member society The Icelandic Contemporary Photography Association The advancement of progressive aesthetic photography in Iceland, and increased respect and understanding of pho- tography as a medium has been the goal of The Icelandic Contemporary Photography Association (FÍSL) since it was formed in 2007. The association is a platform for discussion and research of photography as an art form. www.fisl .is Ívar Br y njól f s son . From the s e r ies Workplaces o f real men and a few alte r s (Vinnustað ir a lvör u kar la og nokkur ö l tur u) .



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