Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2007, Side 50

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2007, Side 50
Arne Espelund ANCIENT IRONMAKING IN ICELAND, GREENLAND AND NEWFOUNDLAND Iron was needed for tools and weapons, and also as rivets for oceangoing vessels in the North Atlantic waters during the Viking Age - Early Medieval period. By means of select finds the author documents a large and professional production of bloomery iron in Northern and also some in Southern Iceland. The method used seems to correspond to contemporary ironmaking in Norway with moderate modi- fications, one caused by the lack of clay for furnace construction. Newer studies of iron artefacts found in Greenland do not support an alleged local production, most likely due to a lack of wood. While the settlers at the “base camp” L’Anse aux Meadows around year 1000 AM had access to the required raw materials, their efforts did not result in a sizeable production. Single finds of objects containing molybdenum indicate that the settlers in the cargo included blooms from a region close to the coast of Southem Norway when they sailed to the New World. Most likely they came from Greenland. However, it has not been possible to follow in detail the element molybdenum, most likely present as the mineral molybdenite MoS2 from the rock via bog ore to the metal, but the outcome - the presence in metallic objects - seems to justify the conclusion. The experiments at L’Anse aux Meadows that failed remind of the situation of modem bloomery ironmakers. Arne Espelund, Department of Materials Science, Norwegian University of Sci- ence and Technology, 7491 Trondheim. Email: Keywords: ironmaking, Norse Iceland, Greenland, L'Anse aux Meadows Introduction Ironmaking in Iceland by a bloomery process is well documented by many slag heaps as well as specimens of pri- mary iron. Its rðle in Greenland and at L’Anse aux Meadows is less certain, in spite of finds of some metallic objects. The present paper represents an attempt to make a synthesis of the available lit- erature and the author’s own research in the 1990s, properly named archaeometal- lurgy. Iceland and Greenland were settled more than 1000 years ago, while L’Anse aux Meadows in Newfoundland for some 10 years represented a sort of base camp for explorers, most likely coming from Greenland. The immigrants came to an uninhabitated Iceland. The emigra- tion sheds light on contemporary living conditions in Norway and the prospects in the west. In Greenland the Norsemen met Inuits while the contact with North American Indians in Newfoundland was scant. The routes of the Norsemen are shown in Figure 1. In Norway ironmaking in the period c. 800-1300 is well documented by slag heaps and remains of low shaft fur- naces measuring some 30 cm in diameter, which were built of clay and had almost Archaeologia Islandica 6 (2007) 48-73
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Archaeologia Islandica

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