Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.12.2016, Blaðsíða 36

Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.12.2016, Blaðsíða 36
The R eykjavík G rapevine B est of R eykjavík 20 16 36 +354-519-5000 Book your tour on or come meet us by the harbour A WHALE WATCHING TOURS From Reykjavík & kureyri In ships and RIBs! NEW TOURS IN AKUREY RI 2016 Reykjavík is full of fami- ly-friendly activities if you know where to look. So you can avoid asking random par- ents pushing their vintage strollers for advice, here’s a list to guide you through the day. Swimming pools You can start your day by go- ing to one of our wonderful pools. It’s not only a great way to have fun with your kids, it also cleans them really well. Most pools open at 6:30 in the morning on weekdays, so it’s a perfect post-breakfast activity for early-birds. Insider’s note: Icelandic parents sometimes take their kids to the pool right after dinner and dress them in their pajamas after swimming. Then they drive home and put the kids straight to bed. Where to take kids for lunch Any Icelander will tell you that you are never as hungry as you will be after a trip to the swimming pool. This is why almost every pool in Reyk- javík has a hot dog stand near- by. But parents usually opt for a more healthy meal for the kids—often while enjoying some coffee for themselves. Where you go depends on your kid’s age. Babies and Toddlers: Bergsson Mathús The calm atmosphere at Bergsson Mathús is extreme- ly child-friendly and their weekend brunch is one of the best in town. It’s not uncom- mon to see toddlers playing on the floor at the restau- rant and the sheer volume of prams parked outside should be recommendation enough. Preschoolers: Laundromat Café In the basement at the Laundro- mat is a large room filled with toys, books, and pillows. It’s great fun for the kids to hang out and play down there, while parents have a real conversa- tion upstairs. The Laundromat is reasonably priced and is also well stocked with board games for older children and adults. Schoolkids: Café Babalú Café Babalú is a charming estab- lishment on Skólavörðustígur, filled with gorgeous artifacts that look like they were found in a grandparent’s attic. In ad- dition to serving many great small dishes, they have—speak- ing from experience—the best Nutella cheesecake in town. Tjörnin After a nice lunch, and perhaps a stroll around downtown, it’s perfect to walk down toTjörnin (which means the Pond) and enjoy the birdlife. Remember that even though some people still feed the birds, the city of Reykjavík has asked that peo- ple don’t, because bread is not good for the birds and it attracts massive numbers of seagulls. Hljómskálagarður If you cross the bridge that cuts Tjörnin in half, you enter one of Reykjavík’s most fun parks, Hljómskálagarðurinn. Tucked away in the southeast corner of the park there are all kinds of different outdoor toys for kids—everything from swing sets for toddlers to huge rope structures for bigger kids (and adults!) to climb on. The park also boasts a huge barbecue and a great seating area. Reykjavík Zoo & Botanical Gardens The Reykjavík Zoo isn’t your regular zoo with lions and ti- gers, but a domestic animal zoo with sheep, chicks, and ducks. There is a small aquarium, and connected to the Zoo is a small park with rides. While the rides are not pricey, many of them bear signs of corpo- rate sponsorship, which might bother some people. The coffee isn’t all that great either, and many opt to skip the Zoo alto- gether and go to the Botanical Gardens,where they do have great coffee, at Café Flora, and a wonderful outdoor picnic area. Reykjavík City Library If the weather isn’t in your fa- vour, a great way to spend an afternoon is to hang out in the children’s department at the Reykjavík City Library. Take the elevator to the second floor and immerse yourself in books and educational toys. or the tod- dlers, there is a huge playpen with all kinds of toys, so chil- dren of all ages can find some- thing to enjoy. The Parent's Guide A DAY IN REYKJAVÍK - Words by JÓHANNA PÉTURSDÓTTIR Main photo by ART BICNICK


Reykjavík Grapevine

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