Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.12.2016, Blaðsíða 43

Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.12.2016, Blaðsíða 43
4 3 Th e R ey kj av ík G ra pe vi ne B es t o f R ey kj av ík 2 0 16 Experience the history of Reykjavík in a lively and engaging way at the Reykjavík City Museum. Comprising five individual sites, the City Museum was founded to uphold and preserve Reykjavík’s cultural heritage, which dates back to the arrival of the first settlers in the late 9th century. Four of the museums are within walking distance of downtown Reykjavík, while the Árbær Open Air Museum is only a fifteen-minute- drive from the city center. The ferry to Viðey Island leaves from the Old Harbor in downtown Reykjavík. CHECK OUT THE NEW REYKJAVÍK CITY MUSEUM C O M P R I S I N G 5 TO P M U S E U M S Árbær Open Air Museum Viðey Island The Settlement Exhibition Reykjavík Museum of Photography Reykjavík Maritime Museum Many people’s first encounter with Iceland is brief. Some come to visit for a weekend music fes- tival, or make a short stopover, having just a day or two in Reyk- javík before travelling onwards. So, for those who trying to make the most of a limited amount of time, here are some quick ‘n’ dirty tips for covering a lot of ground by bike, boat, bus, tuk tuk or helicopter. Tuk Of The Town You’ll probably see these slick-looking little vehicles, tuk tuks, buzzing around the city centre like motorised passen- ger bees. A fairly recent addi- tion to the bustling street life of downtown Reykjavík, they’re an ideal way to see a lot of the city centre quickly. The tours on offer vary from a straight-up taxi ride to a specific place you have in mind, to zipping around some of the most noteworthy sights that the city centre has to offer, with added information from your driver. You can pick up a ride at Harpa, or look for a parked Tuk Tuk around town. Hopping Around If you’d like a little more free- dom with your schedule, City Sightseeing runs hop on-hop off bus tours that go all around Reykjavík. You can get a day pass that will allow you to jump out if you want to go for a soak at Lau- gardalslaug, or get a meal in the revolving restaurant at the top of Perlan. There are plenty of these buses doing the rounds, so you shouldn’t have to wait for long. Keep It Real: Take The Bus Another way to zip around town quickly is the Reykjavík city bus system, Strætó. The bright yel- low Strætó buses cover all areas of greater Reykjavík, even going as far as the base of the Mount Esja hiking trail. The buses are great for people watching, too. Get the Strætó app to pay for tickets from your phone and look up timetables and route maps. Let Your Feet Leave The Ground Slightly more fancy (and a touch more heavy on the wal- let) are air tours, by helicopter or plane. Norðurflug helicop- ters leave from Reykjavík’s do- mestic airport, located next to Perlan, several times a day. Trips vary from a short hop to the top of Mount Esja, to longer tours that stop at wild geother- mal hotspots or even on top of a glacier. You could also take a plane tour with Eagle Air. Both are great ways to see the mag- nificent Icelandic wilderness from a bird’s eye perspective. The Life Aquatic There are many boat trips from the city, most of them leav- ing from the old harbour area. The Reykjavík By Boat trip started out as a puffin-watch- ing tour exploring the islands of the Faxaflói fjord, but has now evolved into a more gen- eral pleasure cruise that shows off Reykjavík’s coastline and cityscape from the sea. You can also go whale watching, either on a cruiser, or a speedboat. Even if you don’t see any whales, it’s fun to get out onto the wa- ter, especially on a clear day. Cycle City Reykjavík is a very bike-friendly town, and there are rentals dot- ted all over the 101 postcode, in- cluding at the main tourist infor- mation centre on Bankastræti. There are bike lanes throughout the city, and there’s a great lon- ger ride you can take around the Seltjarnarnes peninsula, which encompasses the viewing plat- forms of Perlan, the Nauthólsvík beach, an optional dip in Ves- turbæjarlaug, and the Grótta nature reserve and lighthouse. Seeing The City HOW TO MAKE THE MOST OF REYKJAVÍK Words by JOHN ROGERS Main photo by ART BICNICK B E S T T H A I F O O D 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 T O P T E N BEST RESTAURANTS IN ICELAND DV. 17.07.11 BanThai R E S T A U R A N T w w w . b a n t h a i . i s L a u g a v e g u r 1 3 0, v i ð H l e m m Tel : + 354 - 55-22-444, +354 - 692 - 0564 FOOD IS MADE FRESH FROM SCRATCH,


Reykjavík Grapevine

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