Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.12.2016, Blaðsíða 44

Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.12.2016, Blaðsíða 44
The R eykjavík G rapevine B est of R eykjavík 20 16 44 Summer is finally here, with tem- peratures consistently breaking ten degrees Celsius and nearly no darkness. A certain manic fer- vour is taking control of our overlit minds and giving us the energy to sip heartily from the cup of life… or any cup, for that matter. So why not enjoy a Saturday with drinks, friends, and witty conver- sation? I have devised a guide to give you a day worth remember- ing, even if you don’t. 11:30 — Snaps Bistro, Þórsgata 1 Brunch is what early risers call an “early lunch” and normal, sane people call breakfast. There are two classic cocktails for morning libations: the Mimosa (semi-sweet) or the Bloody Mary (salty). If you stayed in on Friday night, feel free to start off with Eggs Benedict (1,890 ISK) and a Mimosa (1,300 ISK). The semi- sweet Mimosa complements the creamy Hollandaise sauce, keep- ing anything from being too rich or too sweet. The small portions also keep you from being bloated early in the day. For those still re- covering, or still going, it’s time for Croque-Madame (2,600 ISK) and a Bloody Mary (1,900 ISK). The Bloody Mary is a good electrolyte restorative and the heaviness of a Croque Madame gets you back on track for the day. Feel free to mix up the combina- tions based on your own current mood or well-being. PRO TIP: Pancakes don’t go with Blood Marys. 13:00 — Loft Hostel, Bankastræti 7a or Prikið (Upstairs), Bankast. 12 The next stop is about slowly waking up, allowing your sur- roundings to build up your ener- gy and for conversation to quick- en and increase over the next couple of drinks. There is no need to force the day. It’s coming. The two choices are based on weather: Loft Hostel in the sun or Prikið in the rain. At Loft Hostel, there are standard beers on tap and some special bottled varieties. I would not recommend going to beer yet, though. It’s too much fluid too early. Loft Hostel has one of the best prices on a bottle of Prosecco in town at 4,500 ISK and a wonderful rooftop balcony for smoking, chatting, and see- ing the rooftops of Reykjavík. The bottle will get two people about three drinks each—brightening up your day with some bubbly without filling your gut. Prikið upstairs is the perfect rainy-day afternoon spot. It’s cosy, warm, and you can get a cup of coffee (290 ISK) and Baileys (800 ISK). PRO TIP: No more than two coffees and Baileys. 15:00 — Take A Walk or Go to the National Gallery, 101 Reykjavík Again, this is weather-depen- dent. The Reykjavík pond con- nects to a beautiful park and a nice stroll is the perfect way to enjoy the mid-afternoon buzz. It also helps pace the conversation. No doubt that by your third glass of Prosecco, the energy was up. This gives you a chance to level out again and use the rapport built on Prosecco to delve into deeper, more meaningful mat- ters. Or it’s a great way to get the other person to shut up for a bit while you enjoy your buzz. Sit next to poet Tómas Guðmundsson (1901-1983) on a bench at the south of the pond. It’s a great place for a cigar, cigarette, or whatever the kids are smoking these days. The National Gallery (admission 1,000 ISK) is a great indoor place to pace the conversation, with oc- casional grappling insights into the art being curated. PRO TIP: You can stroll the pond in the rain and see the National Gal- lery while it’s sunny. I’m just organizing my thoughts logis- tically. You are the master of your own destiny. 17:00 — Kaffibarinn, Bergstaðastræti 1 This should be your first beer of the day. Kaffibarinn won’t be loud, and it’s a great place to bring the energy back up—either post- walk or post-gallery. Grab a seat in the front bar, grab a pretzel and order either a Kaldi Blonde Lager or a Brewdog Punk IPA depend- ing on whether you took a stroll (Kaldi) or were checking out the gallery (IPA). Also, conveniently, the bathrooms are large and nice (at this time of day). Reykjavík has strange public bathrooms and their usefulness declines rapidly throughout the night. PRO TIP: Poo now (in case you didn’t get the hint). 19:00 — The Pizza Place With No Name, Hverfisgata 12 This will be an adventure. Drink- ing and pizza go together, but the Pizza Place With No Name amplifies your pizza experience to a more epicurean standard. I wouldn’t recommend getting a pizza each. It’s much better to decide on a pizza and share the experience together (obviously, groups larger than two can fol- low a different rule). You’ll be eating again later, so don’t eat too much—especially considering All Day Drinking Guide A DAY IN REYKJAVÍK - Words by YORK UNDERWOOD


Reykjavík Grapevine

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