Reykjavík Grapevine - nóv. 2019, Blaðsíða 38

Reykjavík Grapevine - nóv. 2019, Blaðsíða 38
The Reykjavík Grapevine Best of Reykjavík 2019 38 Gunnar Ingi Jones musician Morning: I wake up around 8:00, having slept exactly eight hours. I’m feeling rested as fuck. I head to the gym—I go to World Class—and only do bicep curls and maybe a little shoulders to get my daily dose of swoleness. Right after the gym, I go to Sund- laug Seltjarnarness for a little splash in the hot tub and then the cold pot. Because this is my perfect day, a lot of random peo- ple compliment me on how good I look as I walk to the pool. Ásrós Helga Guðmundsdóttir musician Mid-morning: I’d do some exer- cises and afterwards, take a hot shower and sing like there is no tomorrow. Then I’d drive down- town, ideally in some eco-friend- ly car, to a set where I am about to act for a cool Icelandic movie. I work until the afternoon but be- fore I head back home I go shop- ping. Unfortunately, there are barely any plastic packaging-free options when it comes to food in Iceland, but I'd try to get as much as possible from stores like Heil- suhúsið in Kringlan. Ragga Hólm rapper Lunch: My favourite food is su- shi, so I’d head to Osushi for lunch. They’d have a special train just for me. I’d just sit in the middle with a virgin mojito, and they’d know my specials, so I don’t get the boring bites. It’s so sunny and warm out that I’d have to wear my shades inside. Gala Noir drag queen Afternoon: Let me put on a dress and favourite pair of high heels for my Reykjavík Vintage Walk. We start at Hlemmur. While we are here, let’s grab a chai latte at Te & Kaffi. First, we head to Fat- amarkaðurinn—they have amaz- ing vintage stuff. The Icelandic Red Cross is nearby and we’ll check it out as well. Afterwards, we’ll take a walk along Laugave- gur to Spúútnik. Einar Stef musician Evening: I would catch a mov- ie marathon at Bíó Paradís. It’s ‘The Matrix Trilogy,’ of course. I would get a big bucket of pop- corn and a SodaDream, because in a perfect world they offer So- daDream in Bíó Paradís. Then, after the movies, despite only consuming things all day, I am still hungry, so it’s time for din- ner. So I go to Hverfisgata 12, which never closed, and I get the potato and truffle pizza and it’s the best version of itself that it has ever been. Sigrún Ásta stylist Late at night: After dinner, we head to a concert—FM Belfast are performing. We dance wild- ly into the night. What a show! We continue on to Kaffibarinn, where DJ Margeir is playing his awesome tunes. We wrap the night up with a pizza and head home. TRUST THE LOCALS Perfect Day Words: The Grapevine Perfect Day Dpt. Photos: Art Bicnick & Birta Rán Björgvinsdóttir & Monika Konarzewska & Ásrós Helga Guðmundsdóttir No one who knows Reykjavík better than the locals—no matter what that one suburban Mom on TripAdvisor might tell you. To help you out, we asked some of our favourite locals how they’d spend a perfect day in the city. WELCOME TO ANOTHER WORLD An unique escape, tranquility and beautiful nature. A charming atmosphere, renowned on-site restaurant with exquisite cuisine and personal service. Hótel Búðir features all the comforts you need and there are plenty of activities to choose from in the vicinity. Let us provide the doorway to your adventure in Iceland. – a remote +354 435 6700 Check out our selection of gift cards on A great idea and well rembered for any occasion.


Reykjavík Grapevine

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