Reykjavík Grapevine - nóv. 2019, Blaðsíða 40

Reykjavík Grapevine - nóv. 2019, Blaðsíða 40
The Reykjavík Grapevine Best of Reykjavík 2019 40 Al fresco art Start at the Einar Jónsson Muse- um, which is located in the heart of Reykjavík, right next to Hall- grímskikrja and presents a great place to learn about Icelandic art history. While there’s an entrance fee for the museum, the serene sculpture garden around back is free to visit. It includes 26 statues placed there by Einar Jónsson and his wife, who used to live on the top floor of the museum. Pro-tip: Don’t miss out on the mysterious “King of Atlantic” sculpture, as well as the figurative represen- tation of spring. Tiny spaces of inspiration After leaving the sculpture gar- den head over to Skólavörðustígur to check out some of the gallery shops lining the street. If you‘re interested in photography swing by at Fótógrafí, a tiny space crammed with a camera collec- tion and cool black and white prints on the walls. You can buy some artwork for yourself but if you want to make it a no-spend- ing day, just skim. Mural, Mural on the wall As you venture on, you will soon notice that Reykjavík also offers a great deal of contemporary street art, so take a jaunt to the corner of Laugavegur and Klapparstígur to discover a building entirely covered in a mind-boggling mu- ral. The work was commissioned for Iceland Airwaves 2015 and is called ‘Ode to Mother,’ inspired by the Ylja song ‘Óður til Móður’ (other murals from that Airwaves series can be seen by along Lau- gavegur, by Hlemmur, on the backside of Gamla Bío, and in the old harbour). Keep your eyes open for smaller murals and graffiti, which change the face of the city as you continue your stroll. A walk around Tjörnin Next, head downhill to the shores of Tjörnin to marvel at statues by various artists. One of the most popular is Halla Gunnarsdóttir’s likeness of Tómas Guðmundsson perched on a city bench, an Ice- landic poet famous for praising the city’s beauty. So sit down on the bench next to him and enjoy the view over the pond while re- flecting on his poem ‘Hotel Earth’ from 1933: “It‘s a curious journey this human life we lead, we are the guests and our hotel is the earth. While some check out, oth- ers arrive instead.” Behind Tómas is Einar Jóns- son’s imposing The Spell Broken, and further down the pond-side path is the Women’s Sculpture Garden, featuring the works of several female artists. The Nordic House On your final stop, enter the uni- versity district where you can kill two birds with one stone by visiting the Nordic House. First- ly, the building is a masterpiece designed by the Finnish architect Alvar Aalto. Inside though, you can enjoy more art for free. The venue is notorious for providing a platform for Nordic artists, host- ing several exhibitions each year ranging from design awards to Greenlandic photographers. So there you go! Are you feel- ing more cultured? Now, take that money you just saved on your ar- tistic afternoon, and buy yourself an ice cream. You deserve it. “It‘s a curious journey this human life we lead, we are the guests and our hotel is the earth. While some check out, others arrive instead.” CULTURE GUIDE Save That Cash, Get Some Culture How to enjoy art for free in Reykjavík Words & photos: Lea Müller Culturally immersing yourself in Iceland can be an expensive undertaking. But it doesn’t have to be. You can discover artistic masterpieces and cultural curios free of charge while wandering the streets of Reykjavík. So if you’re an art-enthusiast on a bud- get, let us take you on a two-hour stroll through town. Kerið volcanic crater (entrance fee included) Faxi waterfall Geysir geothermal area Gullfoss waterfall Þingvellir National Park Availability: Daily Pickup starts: 8:00 Duration: 8 hours Grand Golden Circle 1 2 3 4 5 5 43 2 Reykjavík Selfoss Þingvellir Geysir Gullfoss Kerið Faxi 1 Promotion for Grapevine readers Enter “GRAPEVINE” for 25% discount when booking at #bustraveliceland Find more day tours +354 511 2600


Reykjavík Grapevine

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