Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1970, Síða 35

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1970, Síða 35
VATNSLEYSANLEGAR SYKRUR í GRASI 33 HEIMILDARRIT Adams, W. E„ Twersky, M„ 1930: Effect of soil fertility on winter killing of coastal Bermudagrass. Agron. J. 52, 325—326. Brown, R. H„ Blaser, R. E„ 1970: Soil mois- ture and temperature effects on growth and soluble carbohydrates of Orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata). Crop. Sci. 10, 213— 216. Bruyn, J. W. de, Vankeulen, H. A„ Fergus- SON, J. H. A„ 1968: Rapid method for simultaneous determination of glucose and fructose using anthrone reagent. /. Sci. Foocl Agr. 19, 597-601. Calder, F. W„ MacLeod, L. B„ 1966: Effect of cold treatment on alfalfa as influenced by harvesting system and rate of potassium application. Can. J. pi. Sci. 46. Fulkerson, R. S„ 1967: Alfalfa root reserve studies. Ann. Rep. Agr. Res. Inst. of On- tario. Toronto 1967. Eftir Herb. Alstr. 1967, 37, bls. 206, nr. 2046. JOHNSON, Gestur, LAMBERT, Clyde, JOHNSEN, D. K„ Sunderwirth, S. G„ 1964: Plant tissue analysis. Colorimetric analysis of glucose, fructose and sucrose in plant materials using a combination of enzyma- tic and chemical methods. /. Agr. Food Chem. 12, 216-219. Jung, G. A„ 1960: Influence of extended stor- age at constant low temperature on cold resistance and carbohydrate reserves of alfalfa and medium recl clover. Pl, Physiol. 50, 123-125. McKell, C. M„ Youngner, V. B„ Nudge, F. J„ Chatterton, N. J„ 1969: Carbo- hydrate accumulation of coastal Bermuda- grass and Kentucky Bluegrass in relation to temperature regime. Corp. Sci. 9, 534— 539. Murphy, R. P„ 1958: A method for the ex- traction of plant samples and the deter- mination of the total soluble carbohydrates. /. Sci. Food Agric. 9, 714. Nowakowski, T. Z„ 1969: Effects of nitrogen ancl potassium fertilizers on contents of carbohydrates and free amino acids in Italian ryegrass. I. J. Sci. Fd. Agric. 20, 666-670. NOWAKOWSKI, T. Z„ CuNNINGHAM, R. K„ and Nielsen, K. F„ 1965: Nitro gen fractions and soluble carbohydrates in Italian rye- grass. /. Sci. Food Agr. 16, 124. Obata, B„ Shindo, T„ Tomii, T„ Abe, J„ 1967: Systematic studies on the techniques of the cultivation and the use of grass. As the fundamental practices of dairy farm- ing, in the mountain region of central Japan 1. Studies on the persistence of Ladino clover and Orchardgrass on the mixed pasture in the mountain region. /. cent. agric. Exp. Stn. Koneste 1967, no. 10, 51—70. Reynolds, J. H„ 1969: Carbohydrate reserves trends in Orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata) grown under different cutting frequencies and nitrogen fertilization levels. Crop. Sci. 9, 720-723. Sheard, R. W„ 1968: Relationsship of carbo- hydrate and nitrogen compounds in the haplocorn to the growth of timothy. Crop. Sci, 8, 658-663. Smith, D„ 1964: Winter injury and the sur- vival of íorage plants. Herb. Abstr. 34, 203-209. Smith, D„ Groteluschen, R. D„ 1966: Carbohydrates in grasses. I. Sugar and fructosan composition of the stem bases of several northernadopted grasses at seed maturity. Crop. Sci. 6, 263-266. Smith, D„ Silva. J. P„ 1969: Use of carbo- hydrates and nitrogen root reserves in the regrowth of alfalfa from greenhouse ex- periments under liglit and dark conditions. Crop. Sci. 9, 464—467. Smith, J. H. C„ Benitez, A„ 1955: Chloro- phylls: Analysis in plant materials. Modern Methods of plant analysis. Ed, Peach, K,, Tracey, M. V. Vol. IV, 142—196 (Springer Verlag). Schmidt, R. E„ Blaser, R. E„ 1969: Effect of temperature, light and nitrogen on growth and metabolism of Tifgreen Ber- mudagras (Cynodon spp.). Crop. Sci. 9, 5-9.


Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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