Sunday Post - 06.10.1940, Síða 3

Sunday Post - 06.10.1940, Síða 3
SUNDAY POST News in brief. 3 London, Oct. 5th. The Duke and Duchess of Windsor are to visit the U.S.A. as soon as the Duke’s official duties permit. The town of Windsor, Onta- rio, Canada is joining Windsor in England in raising money for the purchase of a Spitfire which is to be called Windsor. In Friday’s daylight attacks Blenheim bombers wrecked the important railway line to Cher- bourg. On Friday President Roose- velt told a press conference that there had been no slacken- ing of U.S.A. aid to Great Britain, and that Canadian pilots would be trained in U. S. A. during the winter. THIS WEEK AT THE ---^--- Nyja Bio: The Rains came. The Nyja Bio which perhaps lapsed last week from its usual remarkably h:gh standard is back again with a bang this week. The film shows what became of the rather unreal lives of a graup of Europeans in India when “The Rains Came”. Myrna Loy for once plays the part not °f the „Screens most perfect Wife” but of a Bad woman — we seem to be getting rathetr a spate of these “unusual roles” re- cently. George Brent is a “remit- tance man” and Tyrone Power an idealistic young Major in the Indian Medical Service. Whether this film gives an accurate picture of Indian life or not I cannot say but I rather su- spect that there must be several senior officers now in Iceland who would be able to pick out several “howlers1*. i To the ignorant layman, how- ever, it is very convincing. The dignified old Mahrani, heir to an ancient and noble tradition but able to understand modern ideas and see the crying need for ret- forms; the rather objectionable young Indian trying desperately with his monocle and his sham pUbli-school slang to appear like an Englishman; the gushing Ame- rican hostess with her garden- ♦— -----------------—♦ Broadcasts In English from Reykjavik. The British Authori- ties have arranged a series of broadcasts in English from Reykja- vik Radio Station (wavelength 1442 met- res). The broadcasts are especially intended for the British troops and include news and enter- tainment items. These programmes will he broadcast on Monday, Wednesday ! and Friday from 5.15 to 6.15 p.m. •----------------------♦ parties and passion for titles; the nobly-born young Indian doctor working for the good of his countrymen against the formi- dable obstacles of ignorance and superstition and behind them all the millions of picturesque, po- verty-stricken natives, inveterate! victims of plague, famine and flood. Tyrone Power makes a good Indian. I have never been a great c.'a v of his and this performince came as a pleasant surprise. It is strange but while there are hosts of Negroes, Chinese and Japa- nese film actors I can never re- member seeing an Hindoo, so if CINEMA the Indians take exception to (this performance it is up to them to) produce some stars of their own. Be that as it may he is much more convincing as an Indian than George Brent as an Eng- lishman! Brent gives an excellant performance but surely it is not necessary to cast an American in this role. Brenda Joyce as a romantic flapper is charming while Maria Ouispenskaya gives a fire per- formance as the Mahrani. The flood is on the usual majui ficent Hollyvood are the palaae scenes. In short it is a very good film. IN OCCUPIED BELGIUM. (Continued from page 2.) people’s attitude to occupation the correspondent has an in- teresting story to tell. “On September 1st a race- meeting was held near Brus- sels. One of the runners was called Britannique. No one seemed to know anything about this horse but everyone was backing it to win. By a miracle it did and the crowd went mad, roaring and laugh- ing and shouting “Britannique, Britannique” slapping each other on the back and acting as if they had not merely won money but had received some welcome sign from heaven!” According to a Reuter mes- sage from Stockholm Swedish newspapermen in Berlin are not allowed to send any re- ports of damage caused by the R.A.F. in Germany. Japanese penetration of In- do-China goes steadily on. i 113 children have arrived in New Zealand from Great Brit- ain. This is the second party sent there. Four of the crew of “Graf von Spee” tried to escape and had managed to get abord a Ja- panese steamer in Valpariso when the police caught them. The Lord Mayor of London’s Fund has topped the £ million mark. The government of Hong- kong is giving £ 200,000 a year to the British Government during the war. Contributions to purchase of aircraft are pouring in. The British military authori- ties in Cairo have announced that all is quiet in the western desert. Canada’s first prize, a Ger- man motor vessel, is to be made an auxiliary cruiser. This ship was captured on Sept. _21st in the Pacific. The captain had been told that he was safe in the Pacific as no British war- ships were there.


Sunday Post

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