Economic statistics - 01.05.1986, Side 3

Economic statistics - 01.05.1986, Side 3
ECONOMIC STATISTICS Vol. 7.2. May 1986 Published quarterly by the Economic Department of the Central Bank of lceland, P.O. Box 160,121 Reykjavík, lceland. ISSN 0256-193X Economic prospects in 1986: INFLATION DOWN TO A SINGLE DIGIT Economic prospects improved markedly during the first months of the year. Economic growth wiil continue for the third successive year, bringing national income per capita above its former peak level in 1981. Inflation will be in a single digit for the first time since 1971. This favourable development is mainly due to a marked improvement in the terms of trade and moderate wage settlements in February. The wage settlements The improved prospects for national income growth made it possible to reach overall wage settle- ments on the labour market, that were consistent with a declining rate of inflation and increasing real wage rates over the contract period to the end of this year. This required a tripartite overall settlement involving the Government, the unions and the em- ployers. The basic ingredients of the settlement were a continued restrictive exchange rate policy, fiscal measures intended to reduce price inflation and costs, a new system of housing finance, reform of the pension fund system and finally wage increases consistent with single digit inflation. The wage contracts provided for 5% increase in wage rates as of signing, 21/2% on June 1,3% on September 1 and 21/2% on December 1. The con- tracts also provided for lump-sum payments to the lowest paid in April and June equivalent to 2-3% of their average annual earnings. These wage increas- es were based on the premises, that the increase in the cost of living would not exceed 2.5% from Janu- ary to May, 4.4% from January to August and 6.1 % from January to November. Arbitration committees of both partners will in each case decide on com- pensation if these ceilings are surpassed, taking into account changes in economic conditions such as the term of trade and GNP. The agreements had clauses on increased contri- butions to pension funds to be introduced gradually over the years 1987-1990. Contributions will be based on total wage earnings including overtime and bonus payments instead of only daytime wage earn- ings as of now, whereof employees pay 4% and employers 6%. The Federation of Labour and the employers organizations also agreed to set up a committee to review the wage system with the aim of reducing the disparity between wage rates and earn- ings. The same organizations will set up a committee to review the system of sickness and accident pay- ments. Finally, an agreement was reached on proposing a new system of housing finance to the Government, but lower real incomes, higher real interest rates and the prevalence of short maturities on bank and private lending for housing finance had seriously undercut the viability of the old system and created social tensions especially during the las three years. The Government measures Concomitantly with the signing of the wage con- tract between the Federation of Labour and the employers organizations the Government issued a declaration on measures intended to support the wage settlements and then promptly got Althing (par- liament) to adopt the necessary legislation. This declaration was a precondition on behalf of the negotiators for reaching a settlement. The main points of the economic policy package are: - The Government intends to keep the exchange rate more or less stable at its end of January level at least to the end of the year, provided the terms of trade and other economic prospects do not take a turn for the worse. - The Government and the Central Bank declared their intentions to reduce nominal interest rates immediately following new wage settlements con- sistent with single digit inflation. Interest rates con- trolled by the Central Bank have since been reduced twice, first on March 1, when for example interest rates on general bonds went down from 32% to 20%, and again on April 1, when the general bonds rate went down to 15.5%. - The Government reduced income taxes levied on 1985 incomes but paid out of 1986 incomes and declared that public services and utilities charges would be revised on the basis of lower inflation. - The Government took various measures directly


Economic statistics

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