Economic statistics - 01.05.1986, Blaðsíða 4

Economic statistics - 01.05.1986, Blaðsíða 4
offsetting cost of living increases amounting to around 4%, and reducing costs in order to help the industries to live with a stable exchange rate. Cust- oms and excise duties on cars, household appli- ances, tires and vegatables were reduced, the direct effect on the cost of living index being around 2%. A 16% price equalization tax on electricity and a 21/2% pay-roll tax in fish processing and manufacturing were abolished, the former change reducing the cost of living index immediately by 1/4%, butthe second by 0.1-0.2% over a period of several months. Agricult- ural subsidies were increased, reducing the cost of living index by 1/2%. Lower public services and utili- ties charges, mainly for electricity and geothermal hot water, reduced cost of living by 1/2%, and lower domestic petrol and oil prices were estimated to reduce it by 0.6%. - The government approved the main outlines ofthe new system of housing finance agreed on between the Federation of Labour and the employers organi- zations. The necessary legislation has now been adopted. In this new system a much higher part of home building and buying will be financed by long term loans granted by the state building funds at subsidised interest rates. The pension funds will reduce their lending to individuals and increase their lending to the state building funds and the Treasury instead. Flome buyers will feel the change in con- siderably reduced annual debt servicing. exchange rate was around 11/2% lower in April than at the end of January due to the fall of the dollar. The arbitration committee decided to take full account of this, so that wage rates increased by 3.06% on June 1. This did not change the prospects for inflation in 1986 much and it is not expected that the cost of liv- ing will diverge much from the ceilings in August and November. Treasury finances The effects of these various measures on Trea- sury finances in 1986 are estimated to change a positive revenue balance amounting to 163 million krónur in the original budget to a revenue deficit amounting to 1.6 billion krónuror 1.1% of predicted GDP. The Treasury intends to finance this deficit mainly on the domestic credit market and thus net domestic borrowing outside the Central Bank is pro- jected to be 1.4 billion krónur. The housebuilding funds will increase their domestic borrowing at the same time. Gross domestic borrowing by the Trea- sury and the housebuilding funds is projected to be around 5.4 billion krónur or 3.8% of GDP compared to 3% in 1985 and 1.8% in 1984. This increased do- mestic credit demand by the public sector will put upward pressure on domestic real interest rates. Inflation Inflation in lceland will this year be in a single digit for the first time since 1971. The cost of living will in- crease by 81/2% overtheyear, butother measuresof the price level will increase slightly more, or around 10%. Figure 1 puts inflation in 1986 in a historical perspective, but figure 2 shows its development over the year. This prediction is made afterthe cost of liv- ing index for May had been made public, but it sur- passed the ceiling by 0.55% mainly because the Real incomes Real wage rates will increase in the course of the year but be unchanged between years. Real wages will be 11/2% higher during the fourth quarter than during 1985 as a whole, and 31/2-4% higher than during the first quarter. Real earnings are predicted to increase more than real wage rates, or by 4-5% between years, but real disposable income by less, or 3-4%. Figure 2


Economic statistics

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