Economic statistics - 01.05.1986, Síða 7

Economic statistics - 01.05.1986, Síða 7
II. Money and Credit Table 1. Bank Liquidity Creation (Millions ofkrónur) 1985 1986 Cash changes during period 1984 1985 Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March 1 Expansionary items in Central Bank accounts 1499 1872 -576 1101 50 70 1659 11 Net foreign assets2) -106 5368 -303 1642 -551 -820 -267 Of which revaluation') (510) (616) (37) (126) (115) (-65) (51) 12 Net lending to Central Government3) 309 2007 —466 462 873 662 1566 13 Net lending to Investment Credit Funds -514 -181 -80 -572 101 243 -132 14 Rediscounts, bonds and SDR quota 1810 -5322 273 -431 -373 -15 492 2 Contractionary items in Central Bank accounts . 2512 1762 631 202 -52 428 391 21 Notes and coin in circulation 186 273 163 45 —47 -1 134 22 Public depository funds -207 42 57 89 43 83 58 23 Required deposits of DMB’s 1560 -185 237 896 -111 239 62 24 Stabilisation bonds and time deposits -10 1029 - 55 -34 - -4 25 Other items, net 983 603 174 -883 97 107 141 3 (=1-2) Bank liquidity -1013 110 -1208 900 101 -359 1268 31 Liquid funds less advances from Central Bank -1341 223 -979 642 -122 -206 1053 32 Liquid foreign assets, net 328 -113 -229 259 223 -153 215 ') Book keeping adjustments for exchange rate changes. 2) Net foreign assets of the deposit money banks are included. 3) Treasury bills held by deposit money banks (DMB’s) included. No. 1 SELECTED MONETARYAGGREGATES Cumulative cash changes from the beginning of each year Net liquid foreign assets Central Bank claims on Treasury ------ Liquid position of DMB 's 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 -1000 -2000 -3000 5


Economic statistics

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