Economic statistics - 01.05.1986, Blaðsíða 13

Economic statistics - 01.05.1986, Blaðsíða 13
V. Balance of Payments Table 1. Balance of Payments Summary (Millions ofkrónur) Long- Other Overall Goodsand term capital balance Average / raae account, í.o.d. Services services foreign move- Capital of rate pr. Exports Imports Balance balance balance credit ments balance paym. U.S.$ 1971 131 175 -43 5 -39 29 25 54 16 0.876 1972 167 188 -21 3 -18 27 -2 25 8 0.871 1973 260 291 -31 5 -26 37 -1 36 10 0.897 1974 329 476 -147 -8 -155 90 0 90 -65 0.998 1975 474 680 -206 -8 -214 152 8 160 -54 1.536 1976 735 781 —46 2 -44 108 - 33 75 31 1.819 1977 1019 1124 -105 8 -97 193 -40 153 56 1.988 1978 1763 1676 87 -8 79 185 -121 63 142 2.715 1979 2785 2692 93 -158 -65 296 -67 229 164 3.521 1980 4460 4307 153 -466 -313 634 - 72 562 249 4.790 1981 6536 6732 -196 -827 1023 1065 400 1465 442 7.242 1982 8479 10364 -1885 -1225 3110 2403 -550 1853 -1257 12.524 1983 18623 18156 467 -1730 - 1263 2899 -1424 1475 212 25.000 1984 23557 23889 -332 -3798 -4130 3234 28 3206 -924 31.655 1985 33750 33760 -10 -4806 -4816 5465 4189 9654 4838 41.468 Table 2. Long-Term Foreign Debt 'Millions ofkrónur, end of period) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1 Long-term foreign debt total 1363 2396 3338 5873 8470 19867 36335 52289 66109 11 Public sector . 890 1585 2210 3826 5354 12892 24276 35579 45006 111 Treasury 526 929 1295 2106 2740 6708 12406 19413 25538 112 Government enterprises 279 481 706 1357 2124 5121 9857 13498 16421 113 Municipalities 84 175 209 363 490 1063 2013 2668 3047 12 Financial institutions 265 447 588 978 1601 4010 7688 11745 15647 121 Central Bank 43 57 63 87 98 166 515 605 500 122 Commercial banks 127 211 288 516 904 2080 3816 4726 6162 123 Investment credit funds 95 179 237 375 599 1764 3357 6414 8985 1231 Development Fund 76 139 189 298 491 1537 2974 5919 8538 1232 Fisheries Loan Fund 19 40 48 74 88 155 218 237 173 1233 Otherfunds - - - 3 20 72 165 258 274 13 Private sector 208 364 540 1069 1515 2965 4371 4965 5456 131 Fisheris 52 74 91 141 167 339 401 513 422 132 Manufacturing 23 117 203 422 544 1108 1800 1354 1687 133 Transportation 132 172 243 500 787 1455 2048 2873 2954 134 Other 1 1 3 6 17 63 122 225 393 Rate per U.S. dollar 2.13 3.18 3.94 6.23 8.16 16.60 28.63 40.49 42.00 Debt service burden') 13.7 13.1 12.8 14.1 16.4 21.2 20.6 24.3 19.2 Total debt in per cent of GDP2) 29.6 30.8 31.1 29.8 31.4 40.4 51.3 52.2 54.9 Total debt in per centof export revenue ... . 83.9 78.9 76.1 79.5 84.7 114.1 117.0 122.3 120.5 Net external debt in per cent of GDP2) 29.6 29.3 28.8 27.3 27.4 40.7 49.7 53.3 56.1 1) As a percentage of total export revenue. 2) Based on average exchange rates in each year. Table 3. Foreign Exchange Transactions of the Banking System1) (Millions ofkrónur) Jan.-March 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 198521 1986 1 Foreign exchange purchases ........... 3553 5800 9244 14036 28147 37866 62640 14881 14603 2 Foreign exchange sale ............... 3381 5530 8843 15208 28291 38050 58143 15588 16201 3 Net purchases of the banks 172 270 401 -1172 -144 -184 4497 -707 -1598 ') Based on average exchange rates in each period. 2) Based on exchange rates in the corresponding period in 1986. 11


Economic statistics

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