Economic statistics - 01.05.1986, Síða 16

Economic statistics - 01.05.1986, Síða 16
VI. Foreign Trade Table 1. Breakdown of Imports by Economic Category (c.i.f.)1) (Millions ofkrónur) 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Total imports (c.i.f.) 857 1210 1843 2913 4802 7485 11647 20596 26744 37600 1 Consumer goods 269 390 678 954 1567 2548 4232 7190 9656 13381 11 Final 191 302 527 733 1217 2072 3488 5816 7859 10775 111 Non-durable 128 189 325 473 807 1316 2290 4190 5403 7580 112 Durable 42 69 127 167 275 468 772 1156 1578 2230 113 Cars and motor vehicles 21 44 74 93 135 288 426 470 878 965 12 Primary products 78 88 151 221 350 476 744 1374 1797 2606 2 Intermediate goods 311 408 604 1145 1731 2663 4003 7800 9492 13049 21 For aluminium smelter 65 74 128 169 301 409 716 1573 1889 2546 22 For agriculture 38 41 59 99 122 222 323 645 729 769 23 For fisheries 24 41 54 71 118 167 253 430 437 669 24 Forfishing industry 16 25 29 43 94 128 204 412 482 663 25 Otlier 65 75 120 203 313 547 823 1634 2136 2984 26 Fuels and lubricants 102 151 213 561 783 1190 1684 3106 3819 5418 261 Petrol 20 22 37 98 146 235 346 665 782 994 262 Other 82 129 176 463 637 955 1338 2441 3037 4424 3 Investment goods 277 412 561 813 1505 2274 3412 5606 7596 11172 31 Final 191 299 401 565 1046 1678 2443 3947 5531 8391 311 Aircraft 24 11 6 8 159 39 63 139 307 621 312 Ships 23 101 53 91 102 269 318 562 428 485 313 Other transport equipment 9 15 33 39 79 144 222 247 394 401 314 Machinery and tools 100 125 218 291 494 850 1289 2064 3300 5193 315 Other 35 47 91 136 212 376 551 935 1102 1691 32 Construction material 68 89 122 187 349 456 737 1266 1569 2136 33 Other 18 24 38 61 110 140 232 393 496 645 1) Based on current exchange rates. Source: Statistical Bureau of lceland. Table 2. Foreign Travel. Receipts and Expenditures 1 Number of foreign visitors (thousands) 1976 70.2 1977 72.7 1978 75.7 1979 76.9 1980 65.9 1981 72.2 1982 72.6 1983 77.6 1984 85.2 2 21 Receipts from foreign visitors: From passenger fares1) 24 32 52 79 119 200 345 780 930 22 From consumption in lceland') 23 31 52 79 112 155 314 682 1100 3 Number of lcelanders coming from abroad (thousands) ... 59.9 71.0 80.3 74.5 69.3 77.8 85.3 79.7 89.8 4 Estimated expenditures abroad1) 31 53 89 136 203 385 682 1218 2168 1) ln millions of krónur. 14


Economic statistics

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