Economic statistics - 01.05.1986, Qupperneq 17

Economic statistics - 01.05.1986, Qupperneq 17
VI. Foreign Trade Table 3. Exports by Commodity Groups (f.o.b.)1) (Millions of krónur) Jan.-Feb. 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1985 1986 Total exports 735 1019 1763 2785 4460 6536 8479 18623 23557 33750 4428 5707 1 Marine products 528 751 1347 2080 3339 5116 6361 12667 15833 25226 3353 4271 11 White fish 406 511 949 1445 2460 3907 5200 10214 10749 17588 2086 2653 111 Frozen 225 335 588 912 1276 1717 2755 6148 7036 10842 1505 1770 112 On ice 10 13 56 114 206 199 388 743 1079 2600 277 458 113 Salted 127 109 180 306 561 1067 1577 2204 2287 3714 265 376 114 Stockfish 15 24 74 51 335 813 317 742 62 179 13 8 115 Meal 23 26 46 53 67 95 136 325 207 180 16 23 116 Oil 5 3 6 9 15 16 27 52 78 73 10 18 12 Herring and capelin 73 177 298 463 593 742 511 629 2842 4240 1009 1166 121 Frozen 6 9 9 57 42 52 81 116 142 145 29 52 122 On ice 9 1 - 2 12 0 2 - - - - - 123 Salted 14 20 42 78 104 160 222 458 775 881 411 399 124 Meal 31 95 172 215 295 328 106 47 1340 1841 408 475 125 Oil 13 52 76 112 140 202 100 8 585 1373 161 240 13 Lobster, shrimp, scallop 24 32 54 74 140 195 342 1120 1496 2680 223 416 14 Othcr 25 32 46 98 146 272 308 704 745 717 35 37 2 Agricultural products 19 24 41 71 77 89 107 207 404 476 61 105 21 Meat 13 14 22 34 44 50 44 93 165 155 34 58 22 Dairy products 1 4 9 17 12 12 19 27 52 98 8 22 23 Other 5 7 10 20 21 27 44 87 187 223 19 25 3 Manufacturing products 176 223 348 602 967 1258 1888 5458 6574 7574 989 1269 31 Aluminium 124 149 237 375 542 634 852 3273 3426 3340 420 587 32 Ferro-silicon - - - 33 81 123 243 614 1016 1220 289 234 33 Diatomite 8 8 12 18 23 34 70 137 183 267 37 35 34 Tanned skins and hides 12 13 19 33 72 93 101 153 251 368 47 69 35 Woolen products 19 33 42 78 153 237 363 653 876 1099 50 116 36 Canned products 6 12 20 31 49 64 157 381 504 713 77 114 37 Other 7 8 18 35 47 73 102 247 317 568 68 114 4 Miscellaneous 13 20 27 32 77 73 123 291 746 473 25 62 ') Based on current exchange rates. Source: Statistical Bureau of lceland. 15


Economic statistics

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