Economic statistics - 01.05.1986, Síða 21

Economic statistics - 01.05.1986, Síða 21
VIII. Treasury Finances Table 3. Functional Breakdown of Treasury Expenditure (Millions of krónur) Manu- Com- Total Accrual Educa- Heaith- Subsi- Agri- Fish- fac- muni- exp.- basis General tion welfare dies culture eries turing Power cations Other ture 1972 20 31 69 17 8 3 1 4 23 7 184 1973 28 43 97 21 12 6 2 2 30 10 251 1974 41 66 146 37 22 11 3 16 48 20 410 1975 58 83 220 56 28 26 4 12 69 30 586 1976 75 114 270 52 37 20 4 12 79 42 705 1977 113 162 409 58 58 25 6 26 104 68 1028 1978 177 268 664 118 92 38 9 34 148 104 1653 1979 275 389 990 225 121 48 14 91 212 127 2491 1980 395 615 1517 270 173 72 30 135 377 205 3790 1981 603 955 2602 389 276 96 60 212 619 318 6129 1982 993 1561 3800 805 389 153 86 251 954 487 9479 1983 1717 2690 6999 1096 660 253 165 1353 1621 1163 17717 1984 1974 3223 8599 818 907 443 206 913 2150 1241 20474 Source: State Accounting Office. Table 4. Treasury Expenditure by Type (Millions ofkrónur) Public con- Current transfers Total expendi- Accrual Social Subsi- Invest- Capital basis sumption Interest security dies Other Total ment transfers ture 1972 50 3 57 17 13 87 16 27 184 1973 71 5 81 21 19 122 21 33 251 1974 112 8 116 37 51 204 30 57 410 1975 146 18 165 56 54 275 48 99 586 1976 203 24 199 52 60 311 47 121 705 1977 356 34 232 58 122 413 80 146 1028 1978 569 65 429 118 174 720 96 202 1653 1979 855 77 660 225 260 1145 143 272 2491 1980 1328 90 1040 270 390 1700 288 384 3790 1981 2132 158 1789 388 613 2790 440 609 6129 1982 3330 222 2547 805 1006 4358 782 787 9479 1983 5659 825 4344 1096 2305 7745 1238 2250 17717 1984 7058 829 5405 818 3128 9351 1592 1643 20474 Source: State Accounting Office. 19


Economic statistics

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