Lögberg-Heimskringla - 06.12.2002, Blaðsíða 11

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 06.12.2002, Blaðsíða 11
Lögberg-Heimskringla • 6 Desember 2002 • page 11 Christmas Cookery in Iceland There's a flurry of baking for the Yuletide season in Iceland, as there is in many homes in North America. The preparation of laufabrauð is the occasion, in many homes, for a big party. All genera- tions join in for the annual event. It is said that in olden days, men went from farm to farm to teach the art of deco- rating the bread. The laufab- rauð is then eaten with hangikjöt on Christmas Eve. Now it is aiso seen hanging as a Christmas decoration in many windows in Iceland. In Regina, Jón Örn Jónsson, Honourary Icelandic Consul for Saskatchewan and his wife Ulu (Guðrún) have hosted such a party for about thirty years. This is the recipe they use: Laufabrauð IV2 cups milk 1 teaspoon sugar V2 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon baking powder 2 cups flour Warm milk with sugar, salt and butter. Sift in flour and bak- ing powder. Knead dough until smooth, and then divide into equal parts. Put dough into a plastic bag Laufabrauð waiting to be fried Seven kinds of smákökur are made ready to serve guests; the only time of the year one sees what we think of as "ordinary cookies." Here is the recipe from Kökur Margrétar, for hálfmánar (halfmoons). It is the recipe Ulu Jónsson uses. Hveitið er látið á horðið og sykurinn í miðju, smjörlíkinu nuddað samanvið og bleytt í með egginu og hinu útbleytta hjar- tarsalti. Deigið hnoðað og flatt út, ekki mjög þunnt, mótað í kringlóttar kökur, látin sulta með skeið á miðja kökuna og brotið saman, svo það myndi hálfmána. to keep it warm. Then roll out the parts until very thin (about 6 inch diameter). Let the rolled out piece sit for ten to fifteen minutes before beginning to cut the designs in it. With a sharp knife, cut designs into each round, and then deep fry in canola oil until golden brown. Hálfmánar (half moons) 500 gr hveiti 500 gr flour 300 gr smjörlflci 300 gr butter or margarine 250 gr sykur 250 gr sugar 1 egg 1 egg 1 lítil teskeið hjartarsalt, 1 small teaspoon ammonium bleytt í 2-3 matsk. af vatni bicarbonate mixed in 2 - 3 drops of water Bezt er að nota sveskjusultu. Þetta deig má ekki geyma nema frá degi til dags. Bakist við sterkan hita, Ijósbrúnir. Mix flour and sugar, then rub in butter or margarine, add egg and ammonium bicarbon- ate. Knead until smooth and roll out, not too thin, and divide into rounds, put a spoonful of jam into the mid- dle of each round, fold over and pinch together, making a half moon. It's best to use prune jam. Bake at 350 until light brown. Rice Pudding In Iceland a favourite desert for the Christmas Eve dinner is rice pudding. Lara Hale in Edmonton gave the editor of L- H this recipe many years ago, and said it was an essential part of the Christmas repast. In many homes there is an almond hidden in the pudding, and it is good luck to be the one to ftnd it — you get a gift Iceland House Bed & Breakfast Hceland JlouÁe 939 6th Stfect New Wcstminster, BC (604) 519-1224 ask for Kicki beautifulbc@mostlysunny.com Loving care has been taken over ten years to restore the house in keeping with its his- tory, while at the same time updating to modem standards. It's a large house with five upstairs guest rooms: two sin- gle rooms, three double, and two bathrooms to share. Located in New Westminster, BC, it is "Home away from Home" Ingredients 1 cup of rice, cooked in 8 cups of milk Add: 5-6 gelatin blocks (these are long thin strips of gelatin) 1 teaspoon vanilla Cool slivered almonds. Then add 1 cup of cream, whipped mvm real e&tate irtc. Dianne SlGVALDASON 1 Tel: 979.0000 " Toll Free: 1.800.361.6789 E-mail: diannes@escape.ca UHAKCy ík Deacon VlKING INN Gimli, MB (204) 642-5168 1 21 Renovated Rooms 1 Gord Lee’s Chinese Dining Ph. 642-5170 1 “Two Friends” Nite Club ■ Beer Store Grant A. Stefanson B.A., LL.B. 1 2th Floor 330 St. Mary Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3C 4E1 Tel 204.925.5376 Fax 204.943.4242 E-Mail gstefanson@darcydeacon.com jSedáz (fjöfút en, itindJeapu/i, ífs Ckristmas al Injmj mtr Christmm Storet JsTTnTtt’T* Plv Xmas jme SÆœmtt.am- FESTTÆ TABCSWAfiE HO.tDAV itNÉMS AhBa Btuc IWsuwtaim Out CMiimas Sp+ci*iiít ChiBtims Uncns ZBIiia &ft StítetdBd taaswaie 3)0% Wto JBduets and TœttwJc Sweaiscs 35% oit PW SUMn»u» i:v«i5*araptrii BaófcS 50% «n Ate ÆítWirf SCICCTW ITEm AT90% Off AUtif ftrf “ ^ , ,et W W ORKING TOGETHER To Preserve Our Common Heritage Gle ileg J 1 - Gott og fars lt kanandi Ær frcm Glaumbær Fólk Museum Skagafjörður, Iceland ICELANDIC EMIGRATION CENTRE Hofsós, Iceland New Iceland Heritgage Museum Gimli, Canada TWO COUNTRIES ONESTORY THE SAGA CONTINUES Visit us on the web at http://www.logberg.com



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