Lögberg-Heimskringla - 23.05.2003, Síða 1

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 23.05.2003, Síða 1
Week at a glance Delegates at the INL/NA Convention hard at work. Page 3 Ola Andreasdóttir in her White Rock Restaurant ' Page 7 Friday, 23 May, 2003 • Number 18 / Númer 18 • Föstudagur, 23 Maí, 2003 Lögberg Lögberg stofnað 14. janúar 1888 Heimskringla stofnað 9. september 1886 Sameinuð 20. ágúst 1959 Heimskringla The Icelandic Weekly www.logberg.com PAP Registration no. 08000 Agreement no. 1402161 A Big Thank You to Everyone in Edmonton Gail Einarson- McCleery, O.F. Honourary CONSUL FOR ICELAND IN Toronto, ON FORMER DlRECTOR, International Visits Program Now that I have recovered from the weekend, I just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone in Edmonton for a very successful convention at the Fantasýland Hotel in the West Edmonton Mall. President Bob Rennie and other executive members, in building a dynamic chapter in Edmonton. What was the highlight for you? For me, there were many ... The fun started on Thursday evening with the great welcom- ing reception hosted by Shirley and Sol Sigurdson. It was such a treat to hear Solli singing about the old days in Geysir.Hall! And to see all the new members of the Saga Singers and leader Cal Krenbrenk, fresh from the Snorri program, joining with the more established singers in bringing us the Icelandic songs. The art from many talented PHOTO BY GWEN MANN The Saga Singers with Director Cal Krenbrenk It was terrific! So much going on, such terrific organiza- tion, such great presentations, such professional printed materi- als and signage. There was a marvellous convention book, Unity put together by Edie Brewster. It was great to see how involved the Snorri participants were, and everyone was full of accolades for Walter Sopher and his leadership, as well as PHOTO BY ROBERT ASGEIRSSON Walter Sopher people, along with the displays and items for sale in Walter’s store, as well as a well-stocked Silent Auction, added a new dimension to the convention experience. On Friday night we were treated to a parade of accomplished members of the community becoming honourary members, culminating in the presentation of the first Laurence Johnson Lifetime Achievement Award to Neil Bardal, so richly deserved. But that wasn’t all; we then got to meet a young artist, Ross Snashall, who is touring North America this summer under the International Visits Program. And that was followed by a tribute to Stephan G. Stephansson, which included noted writer and scholar Viðar Hreinsson from Reykjavík, telling amusing anecdotes from Stephan’s life, which are featured in his new book. The musical PHOTO BY ROBERT ASGEIRSSON Viðar Hreinsson component saw Cal playing and Gaia Willis-Owen singing adap- tations of his verse (again, both Snorri alumni). This segment was hosted by Bob Rennie and also introduced this year’s Alberta Fjallkona, Connie (Sigvaldason) Clark in her Maid of the Mountain costume. On Saturday night, we were again treated to the talent of jazz guitarist Bjöm Thoroddsen, actor/singer Egill Olafsson, and bassist Gunnar Hrafnsson with their Halla’s Travels show, and their great jazz. Inspiring mes- sages from Iceland were brought to us by keynote speakers at lunch and dinner including Páll Pétursson, Iceland’s Minister of Social Affairs, Ambassador Hjálmar W. Hannesson, and Consul General Komelíus Sig- mundsson. They all told us of Iceland’s continuing interest in us and filled us in on the latest devel- opments in that great country. 117th year /117. Árgangur ISSN 0047-4967 PHOTO'BY ROBERT ASGEIRSSON Rapt audience at the Friday evening presentations And then there was the con- tent of the actual conference itself, along with stimulating dis- cussions of INL business and the adoption of a forward-looking expansion of our activities. We heard about the International PHOTO BY ROBERT ASGEIRSSON Hjálmar W. Hannesson Visits Program, INL Iceland with Markús Öm Antonsson, fslendingadagurinn, our two media publications Lögberg- Heimskringla and the Icelandic PHOTÓ BY ROBERT ASGEIRSSON Ross Snashall by his paintings Canadian Magazine, Iceland Homecoming in 2004, Snorri, Snorri West and the announce- ment of the new Snorri Plus pro- gram, available to those over 35, the Icelandic Achievers’ project, the revamped INL website which PHOTO BY ROBERT ASGEIRSSON Kornelíus Sigmundsson includes a chat roorn (Robert Asgeirsson talked to Valgeir at Hofsós as well as a govemment representative in Reykjavík dur- ing the presentation). Erla Wankling spoke about the work of the Jón Sigurðsson Chapter of the IODE; Ken and Marie Sveinsson presented the developments on the Fensala Hall restoration in Markerville, AB; Jón Hermansson, Icelandic documentary filmmaker, pre- viewed a new series of videos from which to leam Icelandic; new developments at Hofsós were outlined by Wincie Jóhannsdóttir; John Zigarlick talked about ice roads in the north; Fred Woods spoke on the Icelandic Mormon migration; and Michael B. Cummings brought us up to date on Iceland’s Hydrogen Fuel project. Please see A Big Thank You on Page6 Creating Community • Sköpum Samfélag



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