Reykjavík Grapevine - 25.07.2003, Side 29

Reykjavík Grapevine - 25.07.2003, Side 29
 - the reykjavík grapevine -28 july 25th - august 7th, 2003 - the reykjavík grapevine - 29july 25th - august 7th, 2003 PLACES TO LOOK AT: 1. THE BLUE LAGOON One of the first stops for any visitor, and situated very close to Keflavik’s international airport. The lagoons´ mud is believed to have healing powers, especially for people suffering from psoriasis or other skin diseases.The distinctive blue colour is due to the warmth and the high level of silicone in the water.Sadly, there´s no evidence that this increases cleavage size. 2. ÞINGVELLIR In 930 a.d. the Vikings decided they needed to find a way to settle their disagreements, so they founded a parliament, and called it Alþingi. Today, although relocated, it is the oldest (sometimes) functioning parliament in the world, The Vikings, when not busy hacking limbs of one another, were quite aware of the beauty of nature and picked this breathtaking spot to meet. The American and European continen- tal plates meet precisely here. 3. GULLFOSS & GEYSIR Usually these two are mentioned to- gether, partly because of geographic proximity, partly because they both start with the letter G. Geysir is the geyser from which all geysers derive their name. Sadly, it rarely erupts these days, the family business having been taken over by heir Strokkur. Gullfoss is generally thought to be Icelands most beautiful waterfall, hence the name, meaning “Golden Waterfall.” 4. LANDMANNALAUGAR Probably one of the most popular jeep excursions tours is a round trip from Reykjavik to Landmannalaugar. Not surprising since Landmannalaugar is actually a natural swimming pool in the middle of Iceland’s highland desert. Don’t bring shampoo or soap because this pool is so natural that we wouldn’t want to spoil it would we? If you’re up to a 12 hour journey, most of the time in- side a huge jeep, it is usually worth it. ICELAND: A USERS MANUAL CLOSE LOOK AT THE FIRST WEEKEND IN AUGUST O U T S I D E T H E C I T Y LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL THE FIRST WEEKEND IN AUGUST You wake up hung over in a collapsed tent. It is raining and there is someone that you do not know lying beside you. All of your clothes are wet. All of your belongings are either ruined or they have been stolen. You are not sure about what has happened in detail, but the fact that some days before you took the healthy decision of packing loads of alcohol in a rucksack and going to the countryside to celebrate a bank holiday weekend seems quite obvious to you given the dreary circumstances. We make up excuses for drinking on every occasion. The first Monday of August is a bank holiday and the preceding weekend we go to one of numerous festivals located all around the countryside packing everything necessary (alcohol, some food, alcohol, some clothing and, of course, alcohol) and leaving behind everything unnecessary (ethics and prudence). Among the oldest and most popular festivals would be Galtalækur (Boars Creek) and Vestmannaeyjar (Westman Islands). Galtalækur has gained a reputation as a family festival for dried up alcoholics… so many a teenager takes his first steps towards alcoholism during that festival, smuggling in booze by any means possible. It is now only a family festival and not run by AA anymore, so maybe the teenage drinking has decreased. Vestmannaeyjar have their own national holiday. The reason for a special national holiday on an island which is (still) Icelandic, dates back to 1874, when the granting of the first constitution by the king of Denmark was being celebrated. The Vestmannaeyjar folk wanted to take part in the festivities but could not make it there on account of a storm preventing them to sail to the mainland. So they decided to have their own national festival, which lasted the whole weekend. It was so much fun they decided to do it again next year. And then every year since. To most people it is the nicest festival and personally I prefer it because of the sense of history and tradition which give the festivities increased value as a festival which is not just about drinking your self into oblivion, although this is certainly done as well. There are numerous downsides to these festivals. In the first place the expenses are gigantic since you have to get yourself there and then pay to get in, In addition you have to bring three days worth of alcohol and we all know how expensive that is on our island. And the weather usually sucks. It is not uncommon that it rains a lot and it gets so stormy sometimes that the tents blow out in the wind. The crime rate also explodes. There was an incident in a festival called Eldborg a couple of years ago when a gang of guys gave “date-rape” drugged drinks to girls and then they walked around gang banging their passed out victims using an igloo tent which they had cut out the bottom off so they could put it over the girls and do their thing in peace. Apart from such atrocities, which fortunately are rare but do happen, festivals can be pretty claustrophobic, since you are in an isolated place which you can not just walk away from if it gets boring… actually I think that is one of the main reasons for this excessively heavy drinking… you just have got enjoy yourself somehow, otherwise you realise where you are and get depressed (editorial note: much the same might be said of Iceland in general). The music sucks too. It is played by cover bands who all share the same sound and same really bad taste in music. All of them cover exactly the same songs in exactly the same way. When the bands have been around long enough they manage to make their own songs, but since they have only been playing cover songs, their own material tends to be a pop music in a bizarre mixture of other music styles and genres. Therefore it is not uncommon to hear in one song a hint of some eighties glamour metal, some seventies disco and funky death-metal, even all at once in a strange mix. It may look interesting on paper but do not be fooled… it is truly bad to listen to and to enjoy it you have to either be a person with absolutely no taste in music or sufficiently out of it to enjoy it ironically. Given that we Icelanders drink a lot we can not blame these bands existence on anyone but ourselves since we make up the masses who ultimately attend their shows, but foreigners beware, do not let your selves get sucked in… you will regret it for ever! The upside can be the fun of going out of the city and live completely free of all boundaries of clubs and their dress codes. As stated above, every sense of ethic and prudence is left at home (some take it too seriously though… hence the rapes) so the fun can be pretty damn crazy and it is said that EVERYONE gets laid causing a birth explosion in May since nobody has sense to use proper protections in his or her drunken stupor. (editorial note: this is not literally true. Grapevine has found out the hard way to never trust statisticians.) Things to bring: Alcohol, food, tent, warm and water resistant clothing (umbrellas are not enough). Places to go: Vestmannaeyjar, Galtalækur, Akureyri, Kántríbær (the northern wild wild west celebration), and many others… posters are everywhere. Bands to avoid: Írafár (avoid the singer and 2003 Eurovision contestant Birgitta Haukdal), Í Svörtum Fötum (avoid that singer too), Skítamórall, Á Móti Sól, Buttercup. Follow the above, and let the good times roll. Aðalsteinn Jörundsson For some reason, single men were frequent visitors to the hospital, although none appeared injured. (Photo: Geiri | The biggest town in the east. The festival is held by the local blues, rock and jazz club, Brján, who play on Friday. Stuðmenn, the country’s best goodtime band play on the Sunday evening. Also hosts the Golf Championship of the North Country, and Tour de Norðfjörður. Entrance is free. NEISTAFLUG NESKAUPSSTAÐ Iceland’s oldest and biggest festival. Apparently, the scenery there is great, but few guests ever notice. The highlight has always been the slope singalong, hosted by politician and artist Árni Johnsen, sort of Iceland´s Jeffrey Archer, who is currently in jail for corruption, but his release might be secured in time. For those who are not attracted by the prospect of rolling around dead drunk in a sleeping bag in the great outdoors, this is undoubtedly the best option. It is in fact the most music orientated of the festivals, with some of the best underground bands rather than the obligatory jolly cover bands of the outdoor festivals. INNIPÚKINN, REYKJAVÍK IÐNÓ THEATRE, SAT. 2ND AUG NATIONAL FESTIVAL AT VESTMANNAEYJAR Has both kinds of music, Country and Western. Immortalised in a 1984 film by Friðrik Þór Friðriksson. Run by the original Icelandic Cowboy Hallbjörn Hjartarson, who has so far released 8 C&W albums and also runs a radio station, sadly only heard in the North. Don’t forget the whisky and the beans. Or the hat. The sober family festival, supposedly, as alcohol is not permitted. People are said to have gone to great lengths to smuggle it in, injecting it into oranges supposedly being a favourite method. Still, if you have the little uns along, and can stay in a tent without drinking yourself to sleep, this one’s for you. GALTALÆKUR COUNTRY FESTIVAL AT SKAGASTRÖND Siglufjörður is the northernmost town in Iceland. In the first half of the 20th Century, it was the best port for herring fishing, the “silver of the sea,” people came there in droves looking for employment and a sort of gold rush fever reigned. The herring disappeared in 1968, but the festival still bears its name. SÍLDARÆVINTÝRI Á SIGLUFIRÐI


Reykjavík Grapevine

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