Búskapur hins opinbera 1992-1993 - 01.04.1994, Blaðsíða 40

Búskapur hins opinbera 1992-1993 - 01.04.1994, Blaðsíða 40
Tafla 2.2 Tekju-, gjalda- og fjárstreymisreikningar hins opinbcra árin 1982-1992. General govemment receipts, outlays and finance accounts 1982-1992. Milljónir króna: 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Million krónur: Rekstrartekjur 13.580 22.027 29.760 38.678 50.973 66.785 89.236 107.770 120.665 136.498 138.637 Current revenue Eignatekjur 946 2.348 2.674 3.867 4.094 5.077 6.073 8.523 8.680 10.356 10.771 Property income - Frá opinberum fyrirtækjum 59 124 185 263 477 513 697 1.342 2.526 2.637 3.544 - From public enterprisex - Vaxtatekjur 862 2.171 2.405 3.490 3.455 4.361 5.083 6.727 5.728 7.324 6.827 - Interest income - Arður og leiga 26 53 85 115 163 203 294 455 426 394 400 - Other property income Skatttekjur 12.579 19.625 27.011 34.736 46.806 61.580 82.994 99.086 111.808 125.871 127.605 Tax revenue - Óbeinir skattar 9.202 14.486 20.062 26.341 33.964 46.314 58.875 69.133 75.544 80.135 79.881 - Indirect taxes - Beinir skattar 3.378 5.139 6.948 8.395 12.842 15.266 24.119 29.953 36.264 45.736 47.724 - Direct taxes Aðrar tekjur 55 54 75 75 73 128 169 161 177 271 261 Other nontax revenue Rekstrarútgjöld 10.807 18.987 23.288 33.508 44.100 58.173 79.212 98.522 111.662 123.315 127.564 Current expenditure Samneysla 6.893 11.978 14.595 20.954 28.419 38.529 49.895 59.503 68854 76.918 78.930 Government final consumption - Laun og tengd gjöld 4.361 7.105 8.555 12.267 16.999 24.683 32.493 37.660 43.119 48.682 50.074 - IVages - Afskriftir 240 427 541 735 948 1.151 1.357 1.680 2.029 2.319 2.454 - Consumption af fixed capital - Kaup á vöru & þjónustu 2.292 4.446 5.498 7.952 10.472 12.694 16.045 20.163 23.706 25.917 26.402 - Purchases of goods & services, net (+) Kaup 2.866 5.475 7.051 10.099 13.550 17.158 22.504 28.056 33.815 37.254 39.379 (+) Purchases (-) Sala 574 1.029 1.553 2.148 3.078 4.464 6.460 7.893 10.109 11.336 12.977 (-) Sales Vaxtagjöld 797 2.031 2.544 3.668 4.434 5.132 8.289 11.207 12 903 14.716 14.508 Interest payments Framleiðslustyrkir 1.392 2.204 2.389 3.491 4.228 4.783 7.808 11.235 10.958 10.272 11.134 Subsidies Tekjutilfærslur 1.725 2.775 3.759 5.396 7.020 9.729 13.221 16.577 18.947 21.409 22.992 Current transfers -Til opinberra aðila - Other levels of govemment - Til heimila 1.513 2.387 3.237 4.605 5.895 8.210 10950 13.306 15.517 17.299 19.162 - Households < Frá almannatryggingum 1.357 2.189 2.922 4.227 5.431 7.625 10.162 12.406 14.445 16.182 17.824 < Social security benefils < Aðrar tekjutilfærslur 156 198 316 378 464 585 788 900 1.072 1.117 1.338 < Other income transfers - Til félagasamtaka 177 307 474 731 1.050 1.441 2.176 3.118 3.113 3.711 3.473 - Nonprofit institutions - Til útlanda 35 81 48 61 74 78 95 153 317 399 357 - Transfers abroad HREINN SPARNA ÐUR 2.773 3.040 6.472 5.170 6.873 8.612 10.025 9.249 9.003 13.183 11.073 CURRENT BALANCE Fastafjárútgjöld 2.108 4.427 4.474 7.172 13.399 10.398 15.237 23.280 21.108 24.807 22.294 Capital balance Verg fjármunamyndun 1.508 2.443 2.970 4402 4.797 7.283 10.336 12.611 14.367 16.223 16.005 Gross capilal formation Afskriftir (-) 240 427 541 735 948 1.151 1.357 1.680 2.029 2.319 2.454 Consumption of ftxed capital (-) Fjármagnstilfærslur, hreinar 840 2.411 2.045 3.505 9.550 4.267 6.258 12.350 8.771 10.903 8.742 Capital transfers, net - Veittar fjármagnstilfærslur 928 2.534 2.193 3.659 9.742 4.674 6.775 12.860 9.288 11.614 9.361 - Capital transfers paid < Til opinberra aðila < Other levels of govemment < Til annarra aðila 928 2.534 2.193 3.659 9.742 4.674 6.775 12.860 9.288 11.614 9.361 < Other resident sector - Fengnar fjármagnstilfærslur 88 123 148 154 192 407 517 510 517 711 619 - Capital transfers received < Frá opinberum aðilum < Olher levels of govemment < Frá öðrum aðilum 88 123 148 154 192 407 517 510 517 711 619 < Other resident sector TEKJUA FGANGUR/HA LLI 665 -1.387 1.999 -2.001 -6.526 -1.786 -5.212 -14.032 -12.105 -11.623 -11.221 FINANCIAL BALANCE Kröfu- og hlutafjárútgjöld 1.773 803 3.096 3.565 -2.441 4.741 4.661 863 439 5.982 -1.425 Net increase in claims Veitt lán, nettó 1.369 -690 1.324 1.513 594 -928 1.637 -1.505 -661 2.378 4008 Lending minus repayments - Veitt lán 2.375 2.432 3.504 3.930 8.140 4.342 4.555 6.150 6.801 7.782 7.319 - Total lending - Afborganir 1.006 3.122 2.180 2.417 7.546 5.269 2.918 7.655 7.462 5.404 3.311 - Total repayments Eiginfjárframlög 53 85 613 -12 150 795 111 -631 275 254 -837 Change in equity holdings Skammtima kröfur og viðsk. 352 1.408 1.159 2.064 -3.185 4.874 2.914 2.999 825 3.351 -4.596 Other claims IIREIN ljNSFJÁRÞÖRF 1.108 2.191 1.098 5.566 4.085 6.527 9.873 14.895 12.545 17.606 9.796 NET BORROWING REQUIREMENT Tekin lán, nettó 1.019 1.887 2.077 5.323 4.837 5.709 5.966 12.510 15.218 11.808 18.020 Net borrowing - Tekin lán 2.351 4.083 7.386 14.317 11.952 20.731 12.996 24.358 25.215 22.954 31.215 - Total borrowing - Afborganir 1.332 2.196 5.310 8.994 7.116 15.022 7.030 11 848 9.997 11.146 13.196 - Total repayments Lækkun sjóðs & bankareikn. 89 303 -979 243 -752 818 3.907 2.385 -2.673 5.798 -8.223 Decrease in cash and bank deposits Lífeyrissjóðsskuldbindingar komnar inn frá 1980 / Imputed govemment contributions to unfunded govemment pension for future payments to govemment employees are included from 1980. 38
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Búskapur hins opinbera 1992-1993

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