Búskapur hins opinbera 1993-1994 - 01.03.1995, Qupperneq 39

Búskapur hins opinbera 1993-1994 - 01.03.1995, Qupperneq 39
Tafla 2.3 Tekju-, gjalda- og fjárstreymisreikningar ríkissjóðs árin 1983-1993. Central govemment receipts, outlays and finance accounts 1983-1993. Milljónir króna: 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 Million krónur: Rekstrartekjur 18.765 25.139 33.015 43.630 56.610 76.523 91.895 105.783 119.328 120.981 118.456 Currení revenue Eignatekjur 1.963 2.221 3.078 3.247 3.764 4.427 6.593 6.699 8.151 8.446 8.216 Properly income - Frá opinberum fyrirtækjum 104 146 180 370 353 359 930 2.041 1.895 2.430 2.328 - From public eníerprises - Vaxtatekjur 1.855 2.070 2.892 2.872 3.403 4.032 5.527 4.596 6.210 5.868 5.870 - Interest income - Arður og leiga 3 4 6 5 7 36 136 62 45 148 19 • Other property income Skatttekjur 16.737 22.828 29.839 40.273 52.652 71.854 85.052 98.829 110.801 111.488 109.868 Tax revenue - Óbeinir skattar 13.108 17.971 24.147 31.194 42.468 53.459 62.666 69.577 72.622 72.193 70.252 - Indirect taxes - Beinir skattar 3.629 4.857 5.693 9.080 10.184 18.395 22.387 29.252 38.179 39.295 39.616 - Direct taxes Aðrar tekjur 65 90 98 110 194 242 250 255 377 1.047 372 Other nontax revenue Rekstrarútgjöld 16.572 20.513 29.446 38.773 50.851 70.680 86.857 103.263 113.675 116.046 118.794 Current expcnditure Samneysla 6.847 8.356 12.255 16.517 24.966 32.140 38.049 44.741 49.596 50.112 53.389 Government final consumption - Laun og tengd gjöld 4.642 5.662 8.313 11.490 18.394 24.401 28.197 32.411 36.328 37.457 39.142 - Wages - Afskriftir 320 406 551 711 863 1.018 1.245 1.508 1.736 1.813 1.917 - Consumption af fixed capital - Kaup á vöm & þjónustu 1.885 2.288 3.391 4.317 5.709 6.721 8.607 10.822 11.532 10.842 12.330 - Purchases of goods & services, net (+) Kaup 2.339 3.034 4.424 5.687 8.033 10.324 12.726 16.519 18.167 18.633 19.749 (+) Purchases (-) Sala 454 746 1.033 1.370 2.324 3.603 4.119 5.697 6.635 7.790 7.419 (-) Sales Vaxtagjöld 1.777 2.297 3.300 3.931 4.340 7.133 9.644 11.370 12.962 12.875 13.678 Interest payments Framleiðslustyrkir 2.425 2.759 3.950 5.064 5.727 8.779 12.366 12.281 11.351 12.227 9.526 Subsidies Tekjutilfærslur 5.522 7.101 9.941 13.261 15.819 22.628 26.798 34.871 39.767 40.831 42.200 Current transfers - Til opinberra aðila 4.512 5.698 8.100 10.746 12.567 16.311 19.310 25.332 28.836 30.054 30.769 - Other levels of govemment - Til heimila 688 978 1.182 1.615 2.031 4.470 4.752 6.940 7.680 7.696 8.110 - Households < Frá almannatryggingum 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 < Social security benefits < Aðrar tekjutilfærslur 688 978 1.182 1.615 2.031 4.470 4.752 6.940 7.680 7.696 8.110 < Other income transfers - Til félagasamtaka 241 377 599 826 1.142 1.753 2.583 2.282 2.852 2.724 2.949 - Nonprofit institutions - Til útlanda 81 48 61 74 78 95 153 317 399 357 372 - Transfers abroad HREINN SPARNAÐUR 2.193 4.626 3.569 4.857 5.759 5.843 5.039 2.520 5.653 4.935 -337 CURRENT BALANCE Fastafjárútgjöld 3.554 3.441 5.690 11.482 7.611 10.989 17.327 14.565 16.840 14.498 13.444 Capital balance Verg fjármunamyndun 968 1.284 1.889 1.874 3.077 3.972 4.444 6.338 7.100 6.434 8.025 Gross capital formation Afskriftir (-) 320 406 551 711 863 1.018 1.245 1.508 1.736 1.813 1.917 Consumption of ftxed capital (-) Fjármagnstilfærslur, hreinar 2.907 2.563 4.352 10.319 5.397 8.035 14.127 9.735 11.476 9.877 7.335 Capital transfers, net - Veittar Ijármagnstilfærslur 2.995 2.683 4.481 10.488 5.769 8.509 14.596 10.202 12.086 10.394 7.866 - Capital transfers paid < Til opinberra aðila 527 597 657 615 1.033 1.638 1.940 1.676 1.855 1.802 1.716 < Other levels of government <Til annarra aðila 2.468 2.086 3.824 9.873 4.736 6.871 12.656 8.526 10.231 8.592 6.151 < Other resident sector - Fengnar fjármagnstilfærslu 88 120 129 169 371 474 469 468 610 517 531 - Capital transfers received < Frá opinbemm aðilum 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 < Other levels of govemment < Frá öðmm aðilum 88 120 129 169 371 474 469 468 610 517 531 < Olher resident sector TEKJUAFGANGUR/HALLl -1.361 1.185 -2.122 -6.625 -1.852 -5.147 -12.288 -12.044 -11.187 -9.563 -13.781 FINANCIAL BALANCE Kröfu- og hlutafjárútgjöld 771 2.901 3.283 -3.506 3.492 3.790 88 -712 5.633 -1.935 -1.265 Net increase in claims Veitt lán, nettó -628 1.469 1.674 138 -1.140 680 -2.257 -1.016 2.054 4.157 1.659 Lending minus repayments - Veitt lán 2.380 3.481 3.904 7.235 3.721 3.077 4.945 5.620 6.317 6.279 8.028 - Total lending - Afborganir 3.008 2.012 2.230 7.096 4.860 2.396 7.201 6.636 4.263 2.122 6.369 - Total repayments Eiginfjárframlög 85 613 -12 150 792 111 -631 275 254 -837 3.321 Change in equity holdings Skammtíma kröfur og viðsk. 1.313 819 1.621 -3.795 3.839 2.998 2.976 28 3.326 -5.255 -6.245 Other claims HREIN LÁNSFJÁRÞÖRF 2.132 1.716 5.404 3.119 5.345 8.9Í6 12.376 11.332 16.821 7.628 12.516 NET BORROWING REQUIREMENT Tekin lán, nettó 1.867 2.328 5.156 3.808 4.400 4.823 10.249 13.742 10.660 15.758 13.537 Net borrowing -Tekin lán 3.811 7.012 13.877 10.252 18.253 10.345 20.653 21.590 19.113 26.344 37.331 - Total borrowing - Afborganir 1.943 4.684 8.721 6.444 13.853 5.522 10.404 7.849 8.453 10.586 23.794 - Total repayments Lækkun sjóðs & bankareikn. 264 -611 249 -690 944 4.113 2.127 -2.410 6.161 -8.130 -1.021 Decrease in cash and bank deposits Lífeyrissjóðsskuldbindingar komnar inn frá 1980 / Imputed govemment contributions to unfunded govemment pension for future payments to govemment employees are included from 1980. 37
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Búskapur hins opinbera 1993-1994

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