Málfríður - 15.03.2012, Blaðsíða 25

Málfríður - 15.03.2012, Blaðsíða 25
Who.and.what.is.it.that.decides.what.and.how.we. teach?.Apart.from.the.authorities.and.us,.the.teachers,. there.are.parents,.students,.schools.and.society ..Maybe. colleagues,. habits,. even. our. own. comfort .. Ideally. we. know. well. the. contents. of. the. national. curriculum,. select. the. type.of. syllabus. that. fits.our. circumstances. best,. and.we.produce.a.detailed. lesson.plan. for. each. lesson .. We. share. our. expertise. with. other. English. teachers.and.cooperate.on.projects .. To.be.able. to.manage.all. this.preparation,.we.need. good.time management ..Why.not.reflect.and.find.some. more.clever.ways.to.save.time?.Or.find.extra.time? 6. Classroom management For.good.quality.lessons.the.English.teacher.has.to.be. in. command. of. the. class .. Teachers. are. managers. and. the.classroom.is.a.variable.that.needs.knowledgeable,. skilled,.and.professional.leadership . Many. factors. influence. how. a. lesson. will. develop .. The. classroom. and. the. layout. of. furniture,. timing,. the. established. rapport. (relationship. with. children),. classroom interaction patterns (individual.work,.pair. work,.group.work,.class.working.as.a.whole),.and.not. the.least.the.five.Ps:.Perfect Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. The English teacher´s professional develop- ment Professional. and. personal. exchange,. together. with. refreshing. study. and. self-reflection,. are. characteristic. of. Primary Essentials. The. online. course. covers. some. very. important. aspects. of. teaching. English. to. young. learners. and. offers. a. good. opportunity. to. dive. deep. and.emerge.with.new.strength.at.the.end .. The. goodbyes. in. our. group. were. bittersweet .. We. were. proud. of. ourselves. to. finish. the. workload. and. sorry. at. the. same. time,. like. when. you. finish. reading. a.good.book ..While.filling.out.a.feedback.form,.I.real- ized.that.British.Council.offers.more.distance.learning. courses. for. English. teachers,. which. come. highly. rec- ommended. by. former. participants .. They. are. Teaching English – steps to success. (online),.Learning Technologies for the Classroom.(online).and.TKT Essentials.(online) .. This.module.thus.asks: •. Why.songs? •. Why.games? 4. Learning styles This.module.is.very.practical,.even.though.it.draws. on.theory.and.science ..It.explores.ways.in.which.stu- dents. learn,. more. precisely. the. right vs. left brain learning,. and. the. combination. of. both .. Young. learn- ers.are.primarily. right.brain.oriented,.as. they. love. to. use.their.senses.to.learn,.they.need.to.move,.they.are. creative,. subjective. and. holistic .. They. don´t. separate. grammar.from.meaning.and.contents,.and.they.don´t. classify.words.when.they.listen.to.stories .. Moreover,. young. learners. need. multi-sensory activities (VAK). because. they. use. different. senses. to. absorb.new.information ..The.prevailing.learning.styles. are.visual,.auditory.and.kinaesthetic,.and.the.teacher. has.to.cater.to.all.of.them,.ideally.in.every.lesson ..For. example,. if. the.prevailing.activity. in. the.classroom.is. reading,. the. visual. types. get. an. advantage. over. oth- ers .. Similarly,. if. the. teacher. gives. lectures. without. visual. support,. the. auditory. students. learn. the. most .. The. learning. style.of. the. English. teacher. can. play.an. unconscious. role. in. choosing. activities. for. the. class- room.–.how.about.taking.a.little.test.to.find.out.about. yourself? 5. Syllabus and lesson planning While.a.new.national.curriculum.for.teaching.foreign. languages. at. Icelandic. elementary. schools. is. in. the. making,. the. work. on. syllabuses. and. lesson. planning. are.becoming.even.more.topical ..Abroad,.teachers.are. often.required.to.follow.the.national curriculum.strict- ly,.and.to.hand.in.lesson plans.for.approval ..In.Iceland,. English.teachers.have.a.lot.of.freedom.to.choose.their. methods.and.contents,.but.again,.their.choices.must.be. informed .. Somewhere.between.the.lesson.plan.and.the.nation- al. curriculum. there. is. the.syllabus ..Most.of.us.know. them.from.the.beginnings.of.course.books ..They.state. what.students.will.learn,.vocabulary,.grammar,.meth- ods,. topics…. It. is. good. to. know. that. there. are. many. types. of. syllabi. and. here,. also,. we. have. a. choice:. Do. we. know. the. advantages. of. grammar-based. syllabi?. Activity-based. and. task-based. syllabi?. Topic-based. and.story-based.ones?. MÁLFRÍÐUR 25



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