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Jökull - 01.12.1978, Qupperneq 17

Jökull - 01.12.1978, Qupperneq 17
after the locality became ice free, the climate became very cold with many years of perma- frost in the lowland. Such a cold climate has hardly occurred in Iceland for the last 10.000 years. Thus, Búdi stage, i. e. Younger Dryas time, is the youngest possibility for the formation of the ice wedges and consequently Saurbær interstadial (Allerod) time for the deglaciation of the Skagafjördur valley. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The fieldwork was carried out in the summers of 1974 and 1975 and was financed by the National Energy Authonly (Orkustofnun), Reykjavík, the Unwersity of Bergen and Nordisk kulturkommision. The fieldwork was used as the basis for a Cand. Real. thesis (Víkingsson 1976j. Supervisors during fieldwork and preparation of the thesis were Dr. Bjorn G. Andersen (Univ. of Bergen) and Dr. Thorleifur Einarsson (Univ. of Iceland). REFERENCES Ashwell, I. Y. 1967: Radiocarbon ages of shells in the glaciomarine deposits of western Iceland. Geogr. J. 133: 48—50. Askelsson, J. 1956: Myndir úr jarðfræði íslands V. Hálfsögð saga og varla það úr Út- Fnjóskadal. Náttúrufræðineurinn 26: 97-99. Einarsson, Th. 1967: Zu der Ausdehnung der Weichselzeitlichen Vereisung Nordis- lands. Sonderveröff. Geol. Inst. Univ. Köln 13: 167—173. — 1968: Jarðfræði. Saga bergs og lands. Reykjavík, Mál og menning. 335 pp. — 1973: Geology of Iceland. In Pitcher, M. G. (ed.): Arctic Geology: 171 —175. Tulsa, Am. Assoc. Pet. Geol. Mem. 19. Gudbergsson, G. 1975: Myndun móajarðvegs í Skagafirði. (Soil formation in Skagafjörd- ur, Northern Iceland). Isl. landbúnaðar- rannsóknir. (J. Agr. Res. Iceland) 7: 20— 45. Kaldal, I. 1976: Kvartærgeologiske undersök- elser i omrádet nord og nordöst for Hofs- jökull, Nord-Island. Unpublished Cand. Real. thesis University of Bergen. 92 pp. — 1978: Deglaciation of the area north and northeast of Hofsjökull, Central-Iceland. Jökull, 28: 18-31. Kaldal, I. and S. Víkingsson 1978: Jökulsár í Skagafirði I. Jarðfræði. Orkustofnun, Raforkudeild, OS-ROD-7805, febr. 1978. (Mimeographed report). Kjartansson, G. 1955: Fróðlegar jökulrákir. (Studies on glacial striæ in Iceland). Nátt- úrufræðingurinn 25: 154—171. — 1965: Jarðfræðikort af íslandi. 1:250 000. Blað 5, Mið-ísland. (Geological Map of Iceland. Sheet 5, Central Iceland). Reykjavík, Menningarsjóður. — 1966: Nokkrar nýjar C14-aldursákvarðanir. (Some new Cl4-datings in Iceland). Nátt- úrufræðingurinn 36: 126—141. Kjartansson, G., S. Thorarinsson og Th. Einarsson 1964: C14-aldursákvarðanir á sýnishornum varðandi íslenzka kvarterjarðfræði. (C14- datings of Quaternary deposits in Ice- land). Náttúrufræðingurinn 34. 97— 145. Mannerfelt, C. M:son 1945: Nágra glaciogeolog- iska formelement och deras vittnesbörd om inlandsisens avsmáltningsmekanik i svensk og norsk fjálltárreng. Geogr. Ann. 27: 1-239. Thoroddsen, Th. 1906: Island. Grundriss der Geographie und Geologie. Ergánzungs- hefte No. 152 und 153 zu Petermanns Mitteilungen. Gotha, 358 pp. Víkingsson, S. 1976: Kvartærgeologiske under- sökelser i sörligere deler av Skagafjördur- distriktet, Nord-Island. Unpublished Cand. real. thesis, University of Bergen. 111 pp. Washburn, A. L. 1973: Periglacial processes and environments. London, Edward Arnold. 320 pp. Manuscript received March 1979. JÖKULL 28. ÁR 15
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