Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2007, Síða 67

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2007, Síða 67
Ancient ironmaking in Iceland, Greenland and Newfoundland Fe FeO Fe203 SÍ02 MnO AI203 P205 Sum* R 1 Slag V (54.5) 70.1 18.6 1.75 4.48 0.35 99.0 3,22 2 Slag L (49.6) 63.8 21.85 1.4 9.6 0.24 101 2.49 3 Slag B1 (48.8) 62.7 24.9 2.0 5.9 0.35 100.1 2.15 4 Slag B2 (49.6) 66.8 22.25 2.03 5.01 0.37 ? 2.58 5 Ore B (59.4) 84.82 9.89 0.56 2.90 0.133 99.13 6.63 E.v.B1/Ore B 2.52 3.57 2.03 E.v.B2/Ore B 2.25 3.62 2.46 ‘The sums include minor amounts of CaO, MgO, BaO, Ti02 and K20. Table 6. Analyses of samples from Viðivellir (V), Lundur (L) and Belgsá (B). E.v. enrichment value (% in slag/%> in ore). the waste product slag, while the ore found at Lundur contained even less iron oxide. These values are omitted. During smelting the oxides of iron and phosphorus are partially reduced. The other oxides MnO, Si02 and A1203 are only transferred from the ore to liq- uid slag. As metallic iron and also some oxygen (as the gases CO and C02) are removed, the percentage of such oxides must increase from ore to slag. If the raw material is representative, the ratio (% X in the slag/ %X in the ore) therefore should be identical for these three oxides, normally present in large amounts. Minor corrections for wood ash and dissolved clay are not considered here. This ratio is given the name “enrichment value” (E.v. in the table). After the ochre was excluded as a raw material, the author returned to Belgsá in the year 2001 with the hope that a “valid” type of ore could be found. A close examination of the bare slag heap revealed some brownish small lumps measuring 2-5 mm, reminiscent of raw sugar. In the hope that these pieces might represent ore lost by the smelters, about 5 g of this material was taken to Norway for analysis, with results presented in the table above as Ore B. This time the analy- sis shows a good ore, with R = 4.69. The “enrichment values” presented are also much more coherent than those related to fresh ochre. Only MnO, present in small amounts, diverges from values between 2 and 2.7. This shows that the small pieces seem to represent the ore used and there- fore can give a sound basis for an evalua- tion of the iron production (see later). The small pieces were non-mag- netic. As shown in figure 6, the X-ray diffraction diagram shows only the pres- ence of the mineral goetite FeOOH. The lack of diffraction lines for Si02 can only be explained by a finely divided, X-ray- amorphous substance. The origin might be diatoms, which seem to thrive in fresh precipitates such as ochre. E.g. the dia- tomaceous earth created in lake Myvatn some 60 km from Fnjóskadalur and sold as an excellent high-temperature isola- tion material consists of such algae. Inci- dentally, the character of this ore is so to speak identical to ore found in Modum, Norway. In most Norwegian bog ores particles of sand by XRD overshadow the possible presence of other types of silica. The presence of iron as a hydroxide seems to prove that the Icelanders did not roast their ore prior to smelting, which is in agreement with the opinion of those who 65
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